Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...


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Future studie s that involv e <strong>the</strong> inhibitio n o f specific<br />

G-protein s an d downstrea m effector s i n cortical<br />

progenitors should provid e insight int o how receptor -<br />

mediated LP A signalin g promote s termina l mitosi s<br />

<strong>and</strong> cel l surviva l i n th e developin g cerebra l cortex .<br />

Such studie s may also reveal links between cell death<br />

<strong>and</strong> suppresso r proteins , includin g thos e relate d t o<br />

V(D)]/NHEJ an d Bcl- 2 family molecules, fo r <strong>the</strong> survival<br />

an d prope r functio n <strong>of</strong> newly postmitotic neu -<br />

rons within <strong>the</strong> developing brain.<br />


Tissue homeostasi s i s currentl y viewed a s a carefu l<br />

balance betwee n proliferatio n <strong>and</strong> cell death . Th e<br />

number, compositio n an d distributio n o f cells within<br />

both adul t an d developin g organs , includin g th e<br />

CNS, critically depend o n this balance. The dramatic<br />

increase i n cerebra l cortica l siz e acros s mammalia n<br />

evolution is paralleled by increased cell numbers <strong>and</strong><br />

an expansio n <strong>of</strong> cortical surface are a due t o change s<br />

in th e regulatio n o f proliferation, differentiation <strong>and</strong><br />

PCD withi n th e feta l brai n (Raki c an d Caviness ,<br />

1995; Caviness et al, 1995 ; Kuda et al 1996 ; Ceccon i<br />

et al, 1998 ; Yoshida et al, 1998 ; Hayda r et al, 1999b ;<br />

Pompeiano e t al, 2000; Roth e t al, 2000; Chenn <strong>and</strong><br />

Walsh, 2003 ; Li et al, 2003). The presen t chapte r focused<br />

o n th e rol e o f PC D i n shapin g th e develop -<br />

ment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cerebral cortex .<br />

Collectively, th e result s discusse d i n th e presen t<br />

chapter indicate that in <strong>the</strong> developing CNS, PC D is<br />

a significant cell fate for proliferating NPCs, <strong>and</strong> thi s<br />

PCD coul d b e responsibl e fo r a selectio n proces s<br />

based o n alteration s o f DNA , particularl y involving<br />

chromosomal aneuploidy . During migration <strong>and</strong> initial<br />

differentiation, cell death i s prevented o r delayed<br />

by th e expressio n o f suppresso r proteins, includin g<br />

members o f th e Bcl- 2 famil y an d th e V(D)J/NHEJ<br />

factors, thus allowing <strong>the</strong>se newly postmitotic cell s to<br />

find <strong>the</strong>ir final positions <strong>and</strong> differentiate. After reach -<br />

ing <strong>the</strong>i r fina l destination , neural cell s start to com -<br />

pete fo r limite d trophi c facto r suppor t t o surviv e<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r roun d o f PCD. A newly identified group <strong>of</strong><br />

factors tha t affec t NPC s ar e th e lysophospholipid s —<br />

small lipi d signal s actin g throug h cognat e G pro -<br />

tein-coupled receptors . LP A signalin g result s i n<br />

decreased cel l deat h an d induce d cel l cycl e exit ,<br />

which can be considered new influences on cerebral<br />

cortical growth <strong>and</strong> anatomy. Future studies will better<br />

CELL DEATH 8 5<br />

define th e mechanism s o f selectio n an d cel l deat h<br />

during nervous system development.<br />

Abbreviations<br />

APAF apoptoti c protease-activating factor<br />

BDNF brain-derive d neurotrophic facto r<br />

BH bcl- 2 homolog y<br />

BrdU bromodeoxyuridin e<br />

CNS centra l nervous system<br />

CP cortica l plat e<br />

DNA-PKcs DNA-dependen t protei n kinas e cat -<br />

alytic subunit<br />

FGF fibroblas t growt h factor<br />

G gestationa l day<br />

ISEL i n situ end-labeling<br />

IZ intermediat e zon e<br />

Lig I V ligas e IV<br />

LPA lysophosphatidi c acid<br />

MAP microtuble-associate d protei n<br />

NBL neuroblasti c layer<br />

NGF nerv e growth factor<br />

NHEJ nonhomologou s end-joining<br />

NPC neura l progenitor cell<br />

NT neurotrophi n<br />

PCD programme d cel l death<br />

PSR phosphatidylserin e receptor<br />

SKY spectra l karyotyping<br />

SZ subventricula r zone<br />

trk tyrosin e protein kinase<br />

VZ ventricula r zone<br />

ACKNOWEDGMENTS W e ar e gratefu l t o Am y Yang ,<br />

Marcy Kingsbury, Brigitte Anliker, Christine Paczkowski,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Suzanne Peterson for <strong>the</strong> critical reading <strong>of</strong> this manuscript.<br />

This work was supported by <strong>the</strong> National Institute<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mental Health, National Institut e for, <strong>and</strong> Pe w Latin<br />

American Program in Biomedical Sciences.<br />

References<br />

Abrams JM , White K, Fessler LI , Stelle r H (1993 ) Programmed<br />

cell death during Drosophila embryogenesis.<br />

<strong>Development</strong> 117:29-43.

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