Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...

Brain Development: Normal Processes and the Effects of Alcohol ...


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<strong>and</strong> apparentl y permanen t precurso r poo l calle d th e<br />

subgranular, or intrahilar zone (IHZ) (Angevine, 1965 ;<br />

Stanfield an d Cowan , 1979 ; Altman <strong>and</strong> Bayer , 1990) .<br />

The IH Z is <strong>the</strong> sourc e o f <strong>the</strong> majorit y <strong>of</strong> granule neu -<br />

rons <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dentate gyru s later in development, including<br />

adult life (Angevine , 1965 ; Bayer , 1982 ; Camero n<br />

et al, 1993 ; Gag e et al, 1998 ; va n Praag et al, 2002 ;<br />

Kempermann et al., 2004).<br />

Although th e architectoni c an d cytokineti c subdivisions<br />

mentioned above appea r i n nearly all parts <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> developin g telencephalon , considerable regiona l<br />

variation occur s i n term s o f <strong>the</strong> siz e o f <strong>the</strong> differen t<br />

FIGURE 2- 2 Regiona l difference s i n <strong>the</strong> siz e <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cytoarchitectoni c compart -<br />

ments i n th e developin g brain . A histologica l sectio n i n th e corona l plan e<br />

though th e hea d o f an 11-day-ol d mouse fetus is shown. The fetu s was exposed<br />

to th e S-phas e marke r bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU ) fo r 6 hours; Brd U was injected<br />

int o th e pregnan t da m an d th e fetu s wa s harvested 6 hours later . Th e<br />

section wa s processe d immunohistochemicall y t o revea l th e distributio n o f<br />

BrdU i n proliferatin g cells. BrdU-labele d cell s appear dar k <strong>and</strong> surroun d th e<br />

ventricular cavities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> brain (empty space at <strong>the</strong> center o f <strong>the</strong> micrograph).<br />

The compartment s o f <strong>the</strong> telencephalo n visibl e a t thi s corona l leve l ar e th e<br />

hippocampus (HIP) , cerebra l neocortica l wal l (CX) , latera l ganglioni c emi -<br />

nence (LGE) , <strong>and</strong> medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) . O n <strong>the</strong> left-h<strong>and</strong> side ,<br />

<strong>the</strong> broken line marks <strong>the</strong> approximate boundar y between th e ventricular zon e<br />

(VZ) <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> subventricular zone (SZ), <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> solid line marks <strong>the</strong> boundary<br />

between th e S Z <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> intermediat e zon e (IZ) . The broke n line i s drawn on<br />

<strong>the</strong> basi s <strong>of</strong> difference s i n th e packin g densit y <strong>and</strong> dispositio n o f <strong>the</strong> BrdU -<br />

labeled cell s (highe r densit y i n th e VZ , aligne d i n compariso n t o th e SZ ,<br />

which has a lower density <strong>of</strong> BrdU-labeled cell s that are r<strong>and</strong>omly distributed) .<br />

The soli d line is at <strong>the</strong> boundary between BrdU-labele d (precursor ) <strong>and</strong> unla -<br />

beled (nonproliferatin g or differentiating) cells . A relatively large VZ, SZ , <strong>and</strong><br />

IZ area i s in <strong>the</strong> ganglioni c regio n (LG E an d MGE ) compare d t o that i n th e<br />

dorsal C X an d hippocampa l anlag e (HIP) , eve n a t thi s earl y stage o f brain<br />

development. Th e higher-magnificatio n image s (right ) sho w th e histolog -<br />

ical divisions <strong>of</strong> VZ, SZ, <strong>and</strong> PPZ in <strong>the</strong> different telencepahlic compartments .<br />

The primordi a <strong>of</strong> eyes (EYE) are also visible in this section. (Source: Modifie d<br />

from Shet h <strong>and</strong> Bhide, 1997 )

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