Sanidad Militar - Ministerio de Defensa

Sanidad Militar - Ministerio de Defensa

Sanidad Militar - Ministerio de Defensa


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Selección <strong>de</strong> comunicaciones escritasResultados: Los resultados han resultado ser muy interesantes,ya que se ha encontrado un nicho importante <strong>de</strong> investigacióna la luz <strong>de</strong> los datos obtenidos. Las unida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>análisis elegidas son susceptibles <strong>de</strong> ampliación ya que en larecogida <strong>de</strong> datos han aparecido nuevos elementos <strong>de</strong> estudiono esperados en el proceso cualitativo. Una vez comprobadoslos resultados obtenidos, podríamos abrir esta investigacióna todos los equipos femeninos existentes en nuestra comunidad,para conocer en profundidad el entorno social y el autoconceptoque tienen sobre sí mismas las jugadoras <strong>de</strong> fútbol.Dados los resultados creemos conveniente realizar un estudiocomparativo con los varones, sobre todo en lo que se refiere ala autoestima como practicantes <strong>de</strong> un <strong>de</strong>porte <strong>de</strong>terminado.Este estudio previo nos ha ayudado a conocer el estado <strong>de</strong> lacuestión, y a partir <strong>de</strong> ahora, la investigación <strong>de</strong>be tomar unaorientación cuantitativa, con una muestra mucho más ampliaque con la que habíamos trabajado hasta ahora. Debemos<strong>de</strong>stacar el grado <strong>de</strong> ansiedad percibido en las jugadoras en elmomento <strong>de</strong> realizar las valoraciones en las entrevistas, y sobretodo el alto grado crítico que han <strong>de</strong>sarrollado en los temasque hemos suscitado.Conclusiones: La falta <strong>de</strong> recursos económicos parece ser elprincipal problema <strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong>l fútbol femenino. Existeuna clara discriminación económica. Tienen carencia <strong>de</strong> materialy la falta <strong>de</strong> campos <strong>de</strong> entrenamiento a<strong>de</strong>cuados en espacioy tiempo. Las situaciones <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sventaja, crean en las mujeresfutbolistas una baja autoestima con respecto a los varones. Notienen atención por parte <strong>de</strong>l público <strong>de</strong>bido a que la socieda<strong>de</strong>n general no valora el fútbol femenino como un <strong>de</strong>porte confuturo. Subyacen profundos referentes <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificación masculina.Se contempla un gran androcentrismo general <strong>de</strong> la sociedadcon respecto al mundo <strong>de</strong>l fútbol. Hay un cierto rechazo <strong>de</strong> lospadres con niñas en eda<strong>de</strong>s tempranas para su inclusión en equipos<strong>de</strong> fútbol femeninos. Falta <strong>de</strong> promoción <strong>de</strong>l fútbol escolarfemenino. Existe cierto grado <strong>de</strong> inferioridad con respecto a losvarones, que se correspon<strong>de</strong> con un grado <strong>de</strong> ansiedad. Percibenuna diferencia física con los varones, pero el nivel <strong>de</strong> trabajoy el grado <strong>de</strong> motivación para la práctica <strong>de</strong>l fútbol, creenque es el mismo. Como conclusión final podríamos <strong>de</strong>cir quelas instituciones públicas apoyadas en un entorno social todavíasexista, que minusvalora los <strong>de</strong>portes femeninos y prácticamenteniega la existencia <strong>de</strong>l fútbol femenino, no prestan el apoyo y losrecursos que dicho <strong>de</strong>porte necesita. No parece haber estigmatizaciónpropiamente dicha entre las jugadoras.COMPLAINT OF 2011 AT A PUBLİC HOSPİTAL,MENUNİYET, SUGGESTION BOX THROUGH THECOMPLAINT, THE EVALUATION OF SATISFACTIONAND RECOMMENDATIONSAltinkeser A., Batur K.TUAF Etimesgut <strong>Militar</strong>y Hospital. Turquía.Introduction: Designed and manufactured for use in childrenun<strong>de</strong>r the age of 14 games and gaming hardware by all kinds oftoys called the product. Also playing an important role in the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof children’s toys can cause injuries and <strong>de</strong>aths. Turkeyalso published in the Official newspaper No. 24 750 on May17, 2012 regulation on toys, kids and ruin our lives.Objectives: Health care is one of the important ways of measuringthe quality of the institutions’ complaints service and satisfactionthrough suggestion boxes and complaint came in 2011,satisfaction and analysis are recommen<strong>de</strong>d during the year.Materials and Method: Descriptive type of research Etimesgut<strong>Militar</strong>y Hospital Patient Rights Unit of the TUAF is a 7day the complaint, in 2011, the forms of satisfaction throughsuggestion boxes, and data were statistically analyzed. Percentof entering the data analyzes were performed using SPSS 15.0package program.Results: In 2011 the total number of forms from 30 speciesof these boxes. Of these applications, 20 ‘(66.6%) ü prose andother 10’ (34.4%) of the petitions were collected by a u. These, 20(66.4%) were pleased, 6 (20%) of them complained, 4 (13.3%) ofthem came as a suggestion. Return the forms are ma<strong>de</strong> in writingand received 81% satisfaction is what post-10 staff were writtenacknowledgment. Thanks writings 4 (20%), hospital Chief ofMedical Staff and other personnel in general, 5 (10%) ‘s disease,diagnosis and treatment, 2 (10%) of the nurses, nine (45%) ofthem is about the doctors. Complaint petitions third (50%) werephysicians, two (33%) of the communication problem 1 (16%)due to physical ina<strong>de</strong>quacies. Proposals brought to the hospital’sphysical state of 4 proposals.Conclusions: Issues of this study is more than happy to complain,but the numbers are missing hususlarımızı activity beganto improve and boxes through 6 in writing to the satisfaction ofrestoring employee morale and motivation of the staff appreciatethe increase has been caused. Our goal is to further enhancethe quality of service in 2012.WAR MILITARY PSYCHOLOGY OF NURSESAltinkeser A., Yasdıkcıoğlu K., İnangil D.TUAF Etimesgut <strong>Militar</strong>y Hospital. Turquía.Introduction: War is a phenomenon that affects people’s lives.War surgery, war issues specific to the region studied conceptsin psychology. According to the civil war nurses perform theirduties in the areas of military nurses. Always remember whereexperiences are events throughout his career.Objectives: Etimesgut <strong>Militar</strong>y nurses who worked at theSouth-East region, stress disor<strong>de</strong>rs, work processes, <strong>de</strong>terminetheir posttravamatik.Materials and Method: The study is <strong>de</strong>scriptive and cross-sectionalpopulation of 89 nurses working at the <strong>Militar</strong>y Hospitalis Etimesgut. And who accepted to participate in this meetingwoun<strong>de</strong>d soldiers in post-conflict regions, the total number ofnurses is 62. These nurses, in line with the literature a total of 14item questionnaire <strong>de</strong>veloped by the researchers, were collectedby face-to-face interview. Poll military nurses’ socio-<strong>de</strong>mographiccharacteristics, place of work, and in the east, and post-traumaticstress their questioning. Data were analyzed using SPSS15:00.Results: East-Southeast Anatolia all the nurses who workedin hospitals in the periphery of the conflict itself down from 12140 Sanid. mil. 2013; 69 (2)

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