Book Fauna Palaestina 4 Year 2014 By Prof Dr Norman Ali Bassam Khalaf von Jaffa ISBN 978-9950-383-77-7

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A killed Diademed Sand Snake or Awl-headed Snake (Lytorhynchus<br />

diadema) أفؼّ‏ مزلطت مؼٕىٕت انظٍز . Facebook Page: Wildlife of Palestine<br />

.12.09.2013 . انحٕاة انبزٔت فٓ‏ فهسطٕه<br />

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=608850985831845&set=a.6<br />

08850875831856.1073741902.511617522221859&type=1&theater<br />


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