26.05.2014 Aufrufe

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Download - Playground@Landscape

Download - Playground@Landscape


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enough space to run about, refers to the child day care facility’s<br />

name and as a result creates an individual place to play,<br />

with which the children and parents are able to identify.<br />

The emphasis in planning is on developing motor skills, on stimulating<br />

creativity, the senses and shapes and colours. The size of<br />

the children plays a role and we must not forget DIN EN 1176.<br />

What should be accomplished is everything which goes with the<br />

educational aims of the child day care facility and which can be<br />

used and looked after by the educators and parents actively<br />

involved in situ.<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Nils Kortemeier, Kortemeier<br />

Brokmann Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH:<br />

For us the important thing in designing children's playgrounds<br />

is that the playground gives the children the opportunity<br />

to develop their own skills and to experience the world<br />

through their own senses. It should be set out in themes as little<br />

as possible; in fact it is far better not to set it out thematically.<br />

Children themselves give the objects themes; each child has his<br />

own conceptions and these often change each time he plays.<br />

What should be provided are a variety of spaces, which, despite<br />

being free of all labelling by themes take on an identity for<br />

the children. Often just a small intervention in the form of<br />

topographical design is sufficient.<br />

We believe that the deficiencies often lie in meaningless, loveless<br />

play equipment which has been thrown together. Play<br />

themes interfere, rather than complementing one another in a<br />

meaningful way. Playgrounds of this sort do not challenge children<br />

and therefore do not encourage their strong desire to discover<br />

the world. In our opinion another deficiency lies in the concentration<br />

on quantity rather than quality. Quantity is not important.<br />

Quality is the deciding factor.<br />

What will be needed in the future – in terms of planning, policy<br />

and practicality? In the future opportunities to play should be<br />

more concentrated. We believe that from the point of view of<br />

demographic change it makes sense to dismantle some playgrounds<br />

and to upgrade others in terms of design. We would be<br />

delighted to see user participation in this under the leadership of<br />

a landscape planner.<br />

Christian Loderer, plancontext<br />

gmbh landscape planner bdla:<br />

At the age of less than three years a child needs a children's<br />

playground where the play spaces are equipped according to age<br />

– often the smallest children are forgotten or not sufficiently considered<br />

– and where there is a combination of opportunities for<br />

action as well as age and gender specific spaces, where the child<br />

can retreat quietly.<br />

The surrounding area must be as safe as possible to reach and<br />

be free of barriers: the playground should be a protected place. It<br />

should give a feeling of safety and emotional security, to allow<br />

children to develop freely.<br />

Our planning premises are: Potential for stimulating children to<br />

develop their creativity instead of fixed game rules. Playgrounds<br />

should have a theme appropriate for children. Playgrounds for<br />

toddlers in towns and cities are also important points for<br />


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