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23. jahresbericht 2006/2007 - Sacre Coeur Riedenburg

23. jahresbericht 2006/2007 - Sacre Coeur Riedenburg

23. jahresbericht 2006/2007 - Sacre Coeur Riedenburg


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REISEN<br />

34<br />

the afternoon we were taken to<br />

Bluewater, one of the biggest shopping<br />

centres of Europe. Without<br />

money but many bags we returned<br />

exhausted to Stafford house canteen<br />

and afterwards went to another<br />

nice little pub. Probably everyone<br />

was sleeping very well that night.<br />

On Friday we were having our last<br />

class with our teachers and after receiving<br />

a certificate we left Canterbury<br />

for Dover where we visited the<br />

famous castle and the secret war<br />

time tunnels. We were really impressed<br />

by the old building with so<br />

much history. Also the view was<br />

simply gorgeous. In the evening we<br />

saw the musical “Starlight Express”<br />

by Andrew Lloyd Webber at the<br />

Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury.<br />

Even though not everybody enjoyed<br />

the musical in the same way it was<br />

a fun-night.<br />

The next morning we left Canterbury<br />

for the highlight of the week:<br />

London! We had a fast tour through<br />

London where we saw the Globe<br />

Theatre, St. Paul’s Cathedral,<br />

Buckingham Palace, Downing<br />

Street, the Houses of Parliament,<br />

Westminster Abbey and Tate Modern.<br />

Really impressed by the city<br />

we were free to go and discover the<br />

streets of London. Though we got<br />

to know the famous British weather<br />

we were having a great day.<br />

Sunday we could hardly believe<br />

that our week in England was almost<br />

over again. We spent the morning<br />

with packing (and of course sleeping)<br />

and a last British Breakfast<br />

with ham and eggs, mushrooms,<br />

baked beans and orange juice. At<br />

noon we were picked up again and<br />

were driven back to London. After a<br />

long but enjoyable journey we finally<br />

arrived in Bregenz impatiently awaited<br />

by our families.<br />

All in all we were having a wonderful<br />

time and had tons of great experiences.<br />

Thanks to our teachers<br />

Prof. Riedmann and Prof. Eberle<br />

who did a really good job doing<br />

their best to make this week an unforgettable<br />

one for everybody.<br />


PIA GROBNER, 7<br />

Romwoche<br />

der Maturaklassen<br />

Bevor es für die 8. Klasse, den V.A<br />

und den V.B Jahrgang mit dem Lernen<br />

so richtig losging, hieß es<br />

zuerst noch Koffer packen und ab<br />

in die italienischen Hauptstadt Rom.<br />

So brachen wir am Samstag, den<br />

<strong>23.</strong> September <strong>2006</strong>, um 7 Uhr<br />

morgens Richtung Süden auf. Nach<br />

einer langen, aber gut verlaufenen<br />

Busfahrt trafen wir in unserer Unterkunft,<br />

dem Kloster „Casa di Fatima“,<br />

ein.<br />

An den nächsten Tagen erwartete<br />

uns ein umfangreiches Besichtigungsprogramm:<br />

Wir besuchten die<br />

Vatikanischen Museen mit der Sixtinischen<br />

Kapelle, kämpften uns<br />

durch die Menschenmassen, um<br />

einen Blick auf den sagenumwobenen<br />

Trevi-Brunnen zu erhaschen,<br />

gingen die spanische Treppe hinauf,<br />

rätselten, wie viele Obelisken es in<br />

Rom wohl gibt, rutschten auf Knien<br />

über die Scala Santa und wandelten

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