EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA

EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA

EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA


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Surface water impacts:<br />

Surface water resources within the vicinity of the project area are already impacted due to mining activities. The<br />

historic water quality of the Witpuntspruit exceeds the Resource Quality Objectives for the catchment. Currently<br />

there is no evidence of further degradation of the water quality as measured upstream and downstream of<br />

Usustu Coal operations. Water quality could be classed as unacceptable in terms of variables such as pH, TDS,<br />

SO4, Mn, Al and Fe. Mining at Usutu Colliery may cause further degradation of the water resource if appropriate<br />

water management practises are not in place. Mining will impact on the aquatic ecology as well as wetlands<br />

within the project area. These impacts are rated as moderate to high and with the implementation of mitigation<br />

measures, impacts will have a rating of low to moderate.<br />

Water Use and Management<br />

The approach in water management for the mine is founded in the requirements set for a water resource<br />

management framework on a catchment level. This entails that the mine will strive to follow a pro-active,<br />

coherent and consistent management strategy in accordance with the objectives to be achieved as provided in<br />

the Internal Strategic Perspective of the Upper Vaal.<br />

It is further envisaged that the mine will impact on the wetland area as significant coal reserves are located in<br />

these areas. The water management approach of the mine will be to replace the affected wetlands with artificially<br />

constructed wetlands as part of the rehabilitation program.<br />

The current footprint of the mine will be considered in the layout of new infrastructure to ensure that clean areas<br />

are maximised, dirty areas minimised, and that adequate containment facilities are in place to prevent spillages<br />

and discharge to the environment. The settling pond will be phased out and replaced with an appropriately<br />

designed pollution control dam. The proposed mining footprint will be rehabilitated by means of an artificial<br />

wetland to assist with further improvement of water quality.<br />

Recommendations:<br />

The feasibility of the mine is dependent on the mining of coal reserves on the Farm Janhendriksfontein 263It.<br />

The sterilisation of coal reserves in close proximity to the wetland areas will create a situation that not sufficient<br />

funding through mining will be generated to implement the entire pollution prevention infrastructure. The mining<br />

of coal adjacent to the wetland areas could be approved as the wetland specialist study has stated that the<br />

relatively small scale of the mining activity and the low conservation status of the wetlands will result in no major<br />

negative impact.<br />

The commitment by the mine to reinstate affected wetlands and to rehabilitate disturbed areas will result in a<br />

situation where the water management practices adopted by the water management area. It is recommended<br />

that the water uses as applied for by the mine be approved on condition that all water management measures<br />

as specified are implemented.<br />

Wetland Delineation and functionality report<br />

The wetlands were assessed as having a combined impaired Class D rating. It was determined that the wetlands<br />

are considered to be ecological important and sensitive. The biodiversity of these wetlands are usually very<br />

sensitive to flow and habitat modifications and plays a role in moderating the quantity of water in major rivers.<br />

However, in some instances, these functions could no longer be attributed to some of the wetlands.<br />

The Wethealth assessment revealed that in terms of natural and human services the wetlands are moderately to<br />

seriously modified. The loss of natural habitats and basic ecosystem functions are extensive and were caused<br />

<strong>EIA</strong>-<strong>REP</strong>-<strong>325d</strong>-11<br />

October 20<strong>12</strong><br />


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