EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA

EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA

EIA-REP-325d-12 _BB_ - 201.09.14.pdf - SAHRA


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Land capability Assessment<br />

According to the parent material maps the study area has Arenite and sedimentary sandstone parent material.<br />

According to the 1:250 000 land types map the specific ecotope for the area under investigation have<br />

mesotrophic and eutrophic soils on a plinthic catena with some duplex and gleyic soils on the valley bottom.<br />

The topography of the area is a typical gentle rolling landscape with slopes of 2-3%, with drainage areas and<br />

wetlands in the valley bottom.<br />

The soil investigation on the proposed area was done with a soil auger on a grid system. Profile pits were also<br />

opened on representative soil management units. Applying these criteria where possible to the soils that were<br />

mapped based on the limitations of the soils’ chemical and physical characteristics and the site constraints. A<br />

combination of these variables was then used to obtain the land capability and agricultural potential of the soils.<br />

The major soils forms that occur on the proposed development are as follow:<br />

On the crests and mid-slopes the typical catena is Glencoe soils followed by Avalon soils on the lower mid- and<br />

foot-slopes and then Westleigh, Longlands, Katspruit and Rensburg soils associated with wetlands.<br />

Glencoe (Gc)<br />

The Glencoe soils have an Orthic A Horizon over a Yellow Brown Apedal B Horizon over Hard Plinthite. The<br />

average depth of the Glencoe soils range from 30-60cm on the crests to 60-90cm on the mid-slopes. Subdominant<br />

to Glencoe soils are Clovelly soils with hard rock in the sub soil.<br />

Avalon (Av)<br />

The Avalon soils have an Orthic A Horizon over a Yellow Brown Apedal B Horizon over Soft Plinthite. The<br />

average depth of the Avalon soils Glencoe soils range from 60-90cm on the mid- and foots-lopes. Sub-dominant<br />

to Avalon soils are Longlands soils on the foot-slopes.<br />

Westleigh (We)<br />

The Westleigh soil has an Orthic A Horizon over a soft Plinthic B horizon with some signs of wetness in the subsoil.<br />

The depth ranges from 0—60cm depending on the wetness of the soil. Sub dominant to the Westleigh soils<br />

are Longlands, Katspruit and Rensburg soils forms all associated with wetland conditions.<br />

The following table is a summary of the management units and their land capability potential.<br />

<strong>EIA</strong>-<strong>REP</strong>-<strong>325d</strong>-11<br />

October 20<strong>12</strong><br />


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