September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front


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do the other incidents attributed to his group have attributes of the executions: videotape,<br />

political extortion and kidnapping. There are two totally different modus operandi here,<br />

inexplicable unless there is a totally different agenda or person committing the crimes.<br />

More importantly, however, it should be noted that possibly the only other group that<br />

would have the same enemies as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and have the organization and<br />

skill to execute globally – would be the Mossad.<br />

In a parallel analysis Michel Chossudovsky has documented and argued that Abu Musab<br />

al-Zarqawi was always meant to be a headline for the US war in Iraq.<br />

“An internal document produced by U.S. military headquarters in Iraq, states that "the Zarqawi PSYOP<br />

program is the most successful information campaign to date." (WP, op cit).<br />

The senior commander entrusted with Pentagon's PSYOP operation is General Kimmitt who now<br />

occupies the position of senior planner at US Central Command (USCENTCOM), responsible for<br />

directing operations in Iraq and the Middle East.<br />

"In 2003 and 2004, he coordinated public affairs, information operations and psychological operations<br />

in Iraq -- though he said in an interview the internal briefing must be mistaken because he did not<br />

actually run the psychological operations and could not speak for them. Kimmitt said, "There was<br />

clearly an information campaign to raise the public awareness of who Zarqawi was, primarily for the<br />

Iraqi audience but also with the international audience." [Who is behind "Al Qaeda in Iraq"? Pentagon<br />

acknowledges fabricating a "Zarqawi Legend", Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, April 18,<br />

2006]<br />

Of great intrigue, Zarqawi’s exit from Iraq was also announced by a major media event.<br />

In early 2006, a Christian Science Monitor reporter was “kidnapped” by Zarqawi’s<br />

followers. These followers – according to her report - kept her in a sound proof room, but<br />

allowed her to overhear that Zarqawi would soon be replaced as leader. A month after the<br />

reporter’s release, Zarqawi was reportedly killed in a US bombing. Once again, Zarqawi<br />

is linked to a major media event that seems to be suspect in its circumstances, but results<br />

in intelligence useful to theose who benefit from the attack on Iraq.<br />

A geopolitical explanation is required at this point. Ninety percent of the world Muslim<br />

population is Sunni, and ten per cent is Shia, also known as Shiite. (This schism between<br />

the Muslims dates back 1400 years.) Although a global minority, the conservative Shia<br />

currently controls Iran, and represents 60% of the population of Iraq. Saddam<br />

Hussein was secular, favored the Sunni’s and kept the Shia under control. The threat to<br />

Israel of “real democracy” in Iraq is that it would allow the Shia clerics to re-gain the<br />

control of Iraq that was taken from them by the Sunni’s 500 years ago, and then by the<br />

British in 1920. Shia control of both Iraq and Iran, thus creating a Shia ‘power bloc’<br />

would be an unacceptable threat to Israel, because of the Shiite cleric’s religious<br />

preoccupation with the holy cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. However, with<br />

Shiites focused on their grievances with Sunnis, and both groups attacking each other,<br />

Israel remains safe. With Shiites unable to merge and unify the wealth of Iran and Iraq,<br />

Israel remains safe. Hence, it is ‘fortuitous’ for Israel that there are such a groups as Abu<br />

Musab al-Zarqawi and Al Qaeda that can fragment Muslim unity and polarize the<br />

religious sectors. If these two organizations didn’t exist, Israel might have to invent<br />

them. Once again – as in the Nick Berg story – there arises the specter of the Mossad<br />

masquerading as Muslim terrorists, dealing out death and horror and fanning the flames<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 54

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