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HClNC Vegetation Classification & mapping Project: Volume 1: Vegetation Classification Technical Report<br />

MU 85 — Monkey Gum / Eucalyptus blaxlandii shrubby open forest on basalt of western Blue<br />

Mountains<br />

Open forests characterised by an overstorey dominated by Eucalyptus cypellocarpa and<br />

E. blaxlandii, with a sparse small tree layer often including Acacia melanoxlon. Various<br />

other eucalypt species may be present in the canopy at lower frequencies, in particular,<br />

E. macrorhyncha and E. dives. The understorey is characteristically shrubby and often<br />

dominated by Bursaria spinosa along with other shrubs, including Melichrus urceolatus,<br />

Indigofera australis, Persoonia linearis and Lomatia silaifolia, and climbers, including Clematis<br />

glycinoides and Hardenbergia violacea. The ground layer is characterised by relatively sparse<br />

grasses, predominately Microlaena stipoides and Echinopogon ovatus, and a diverse range<br />

of herbs and ground ferns, including Geranium solanderi, Hydrocotyle laxiflora, Lomandra<br />

longifolia, Stellaria pungens, Veronica plebeia, Asplenium flabellifolium and Poranthera<br />

microphylla. Naturalised species recorded in more than 25% of sites in this community<br />

include Hypericum perforatum (St Johns Wort, 50%), Trifolium arvense (Haresfoot Clover,<br />

30%) and Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion, 30%).<br />

Within the study area, this community occurs on ranges of the western Blue Mountains<br />

and Wollemi NP at higher elevations, mainly on basalt. This community includes the only<br />

records of the rare shrub Derwentia blakelyi in this study and, hence, may have particular<br />

regional conservation significance, although this species is considered widespread<br />

elsewhere.<br />

MU 86 — Ribbon Gum / Parramatta Wattle shrubby open forest of western Blue Mountains<br />

Open forests characterised by a canopy strongly dominated by Eucalyptus viminalis<br />

in association with Angophora floribunda. The canopy may also include other eucalypt<br />

species, in particular, E. cypellocarpa and E. bicostata. A small tree layer dominated by Acacia<br />

parramattensis and including Brachychiton populneus is often present. The understorey is<br />

characteristically shrubby and commonly includes Bursaria spinosa, Rubus parvifolius and<br />

Solanum prinophyllum, along with the climber Clematis aristata. The ground layer consists<br />

of mixed grasses, primarily Echinopogon ovatus; forbs including Urtica incisa, Ranunculus<br />

lappaceus, Senecio hispidulus and Galium propinquum; and ground ferns, mainly Pteridium<br />

esculentum. Naturalised species commonly recorded in this community included Trifolium<br />

repens (White Clover, 50%) and Conyza canadensis var. canadensis (Canadian Fleabane,<br />

50%).<br />

This community occurs within the study area on ranges of the western Blue Mountains<br />

and Wollemi NP at mid elevations, mainly on basalt.<br />

MU 87 — New England Blackbutt shrubby open forest on the escarpment<br />

Open forests characterised by a canopy strongly dominated by Eucalyptus campanulate,<br />

in association with E. cameronii, with a range of other eucalypts occurring less frequently.<br />

The understorey is typically shrubby and characteristically includes Persoonia linearis and<br />

Leucopogon lanceolatus as well as other shrubs, including Persoonia media and Indigofera<br />

australis, with scrambling climbers such as Hardenbergia violacea, Hibbertia scandens<br />

and Billardiera scandens also common. The ground layer is characteristically dominated<br />

by grasses, mainly Poa sieberiana, and graminoids including Lomandra longifolia and<br />

Dianella caerulea, with the fern Pteridium esculentum common in the more open areas.<br />


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