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HClNC Vegetation Classification & mapping Project: Volume 1: Vegetation Classification Technical Report<br />

MU 151 — Silvertop Stringybark / Boxthorn woodland on basalt<br />

Woodlands characterised by a canopy dominated by Eucalyptus laevopinea, occasionally in<br />

association with E. rossii and with an open mid storey characterised by Acacia melanoxylon.<br />

An open shrub layer may also be present and commonly includes Bursaria spinosa,<br />

Cassinia quinquefaria, Astroloma humifusum and Daviesia genistifolia. The ground layer<br />

is typically dominated by forbs, including Plantago gaudichaudii, Acaena novae-zelandiae,<br />

Stellaria pungens, Galium migrans, Asperula scoparia and Viola betonicifolia. Grasses and<br />

graminoids, such as Echinopogon ovatus and Lepidosperma laterale, may also be common but<br />

less abundant. Naturalised species recorded at more than 25% of sites in this community<br />

include Hypericum perforatum (St Johns Wort, 100%), Trifolium arvense (Haresfoot Clover,<br />

33%) and Senecio madagascariensis (Fireweed, 100%).<br />

Within the study area, this community is restricted to ranges in the Nullo Mountain area,<br />

mainly on basalts.<br />

MU 152 — White Box / Grass Tree / Spinifex woodland at Glenbawn Dam<br />

Woodlands to open woodlands with an overstorey dominated almost exclusively by<br />

Eucalyptus albens and commonly including Codonocarpus attenuatus. A shrubby understorey<br />

is typically present and includes Xanthorrhoea glauca, Acacia decora, Olearia elliptica, Beyeria<br />

viscosa, Daviesia leptophylla, Notelaea microcarpa and Spyridium buxifolium. Characteristically,<br />

the understorey is dominated by grasses, in particular, Triodia scariosa and Themeda australis;<br />

Austrodanthonia fulva is also relatively common. Various forbs may also be present at low<br />

densities, including Gonocarpus elatus and Boerhavia dominii. Naturalised species commonly<br />

recorded at sites in this community include Asphodelus fistulosus (Onion Weed, 50%) and<br />

Opuntia stricta var. stricta (Common Prickly Pear, 100%).<br />

This community is restricted within the study area to the Glenbawn Dam area in the Upper<br />

Hunter Valley on sandstone substrates.<br />

MU 153 — Snow Gum / Black Sallee wet shrub / grass open forest on the Barrington plateau<br />

Open forests characterised by an overstorey dominated by Eucalyptus pauciflora, in<br />

association with E. stellulata and E. obliqua. An open mid storey of taller shrubs, including<br />

the rare shrubs Acacia barringtonensis and Leptospermum argenteum, may also be present<br />

in some cases. The understorey typically includes an open shrub layer with common<br />

species being Acrothamnus hookeri, Persoonia chamaepeuce, Pimelea linifolia, Hakea microcarpa<br />

Pultenaea fasciculata and Olearia chrysophylla. The ground layer is typically dominated<br />

by Poa sieberiana, with a diverse range of forbs and graminoids also common including<br />

Stylidium graminifolium, Wahlenbergia stricta, Lomandra longifolia, Stellaria flaccida, Gonocarpus<br />

teucrioides, Scaevola hookeri and Ranunculus plebeius. Naturalised species which were<br />

recorded at more than 25% of sites in this community were Trifolium repens (White Clover,<br />

33%) and Hypochaeris radicata (Catsear, 67%).<br />

Within the study area, this community is restricted to the Barrington Tops area at<br />

high elevations and mainly on basalts. This community may be of particular regional<br />

conservation significance as it relates to the Endangered Ecological Community ‘Ribbon<br />

Gum, Mountain Gum, Snow Gum Grassy Forest/Woodland of the New England Tableland<br />

Bioregion’ DECC 2009). In addition, a number of rare species are not recorded in this<br />

study from any other community but may be relatively common in this community. These<br />


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