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71<br />

CHaPTeR 4 Results<br />

MU 23 — Silvertop Stringybark / Messmate / Sydney Blue Gum moist shrub / grass open forest of<br />

ranges of the Lower North Coast<br />

Tall open forests similar in structure and composition to MU 22 although with Eucalyptus<br />

laevopinea and E. obliqua the most common canopy species, and E. saligna and E. campanulata<br />

less-frequent canopy dominants and occurring at higher altitudes. The understorey is<br />

characterised by an open shrub layer dominated by mesophyllous and sclerophyllous<br />

shrubs, including Acacia melanoxylon, Coprosma quadrifida and Senecio linearifolius, and treeferns<br />

(Cyathea australis). The ground layer is dominated by tussock grasses, mainly Poa<br />

sieberiana, and graminoids including Lomandra longifolia. No weed species were recorded<br />

in more than 25% of sites within this community.<br />

Inside the study area this community occurs on the foothills and ranges of the Lower<br />

North Coast (including Barrington area) at higher elevations on a range of substrates. The<br />

only records in this study of the rare orchid species Chiloglottis platyptera occur within this<br />

community and hence it may have particular regional conservation significance.<br />

MU 24 — Tallowwood / Small-fruited Grey Gum / Kangaroo Grass foothills dry grassy open forest<br />

Tall, dry open forests with a canopy dominated by Eucalyptus microcorys, E. propinqua and<br />

E. carnea, and a sparse small tree layer dominated by Allocasuarina torulosa. The ground<br />

layer is dominated by grasses and graminoid species including Themeda australis, Imperata<br />

cylindrica, Dianella caerulea and Lomandra longifolia. The only naturalised species recorded at<br />

more than 25% of sites within the community was Lantana camara, which occurred at 54%<br />

of sites indicating that this community may be relatively highly susceptible to invasion by<br />

Lantana.<br />

Within the study area this community occurs on the coastal ranges and foothills of the<br />

Lower North Coast at mid to lower elevations and on a range of lower fertility substrates.<br />

MU 25 — Tallowwood / Spotted Gum / Grey Gum grass / herb open forest<br />

Open forests similar in composition to MU 24, however, with Corymbia maculata as a<br />

common canopy species and Large-fruited Grey Gum (Eucalyptus punctata) replacing the<br />

Small-fruited Grey Gum (E. propinqua) alongside E. microcorys. The shrub layer is more<br />

developed and includes a greater proportion of mesic shrubs, including Hibbertia scandens,<br />

Polyscias sambucifolia and Breynia oblongifolia, and climbers such as Clematis glycinoides<br />

and Kennedia rubicunda. The ground layer is dominated by grasses, including Oplismenus<br />

imbecillis and Poa sieberiana, and sparse forbs such as Pratia purpurascens. Lantana camara<br />

(Lantana, 63%) was the only naturalised species occurring in more than 25% of sites.<br />

Within the present study area this community occurs on near coastal low ranges on the<br />

Lower North Coast at lower elevations than MU 24 and on a range of lower fertility<br />

substrates.<br />

MU 26 — Small-fruited Grey Gum / Turpentine / Tallowwood moist open forest of the Lower North<br />

Coast foothills<br />

Open forests with a relatively diverse canopy dominated by Eucalyptus propinqua,<br />

E. microcorys, E. siderophloia, Syncarpia glomulifera and Corymbia intermedia, with a sparse<br />

small tree layer dominated by Allocasuarina torulosa. The understorey is dominated by a<br />

mix of mesophyllous and sclerophyllous shrubs including Notelaea longifolia and Maytenus

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