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Appendix 9: List of species recorded in the study continued<br />

aPPeNDIx 9 List of species recorded in the study<br />

Family name Botanical name Common name Authority<br />

Poaceae Austrostipa setacea Corkscrew Grass (R. Br.) Jacobs & J. everett<br />

Poaceae Austrostipa verticillata Slender Bamboo Grass (Nees ex Spreng)Jacobs &<br />

evere<br />

Poaceae Avena barbata Bearded Oats Pott ex Link<br />

Poaceae Avena fatua Wild Oats L.<br />

Poaceae Avena ludoviciana Ludo Wild Oats Durieu<br />

Poaceae Avena sativa Oats L.<br />

Poaceae Axonopus fissifolius Narrow-leafed Carpet<br />

Grass<br />

267<br />

(Raddi) Kuhlm.<br />

Poaceae Bothriochloa biloba S.T.Blake<br />

Poaceae Bothriochloa decipiens Red Grass (Hackel) C.e.Hubb.<br />

Poaceae Bothriochloa macra Red Grass (Steudel) S.T.Blake<br />

Poaceae Briza maxima Quaking Grass L.<br />

Poaceae Briza minor Shivery Grass L.<br />

Poaceae Bromus alopecuros Poir.<br />

Poaceae Bromus brevis Nees & Steudel<br />

Poaceae Bromus catharticus Praire Grass M.Vahl<br />

Poaceae Bromus diandrus Great Brome Roth<br />

Poaceae Capillipedium parviflorum Scented-top Grass (R. Br.) Stapf<br />

Poaceae Capillipedium spicigerum Scented-top Grass S.T.Blake<br />

Poaceae Catapodium rigidum Rigid Fescue (L.) Dony<br />

Poaceae Cenchrus caliculatus Hillside Burrgrass Cav.<br />

Poaceae Chloris divaricata var. divaricata Slender Chloris R. Br.<br />

Poaceae Chloris gayana Rhodes Grass Kunth<br />

Poaceae Chloris truncata Windmill Grass R. Br.<br />

Poaceae Chloris ventricosa Tall Chloris R. Br.<br />

Poaceae Chloris virgata Feathertop Rhodes<br />

Grass<br />

Poaceae Cleistochloa rigida (S.T.Blake) W.Clayton<br />

Poaceae Cleistochloa subjuncea C.e.Hubb.<br />

Poaceae Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass (Schultes & J.H.Schultes)<br />

asch. & Graebner<br />

Poaceae Cymbopogon ambiguus Lemon Grass (Hackel) a.Camus<br />

Poaceae Cymbopogon obtectus Silky Heads S.T.Blake<br />

Poaceae Cymbopogon refractus Barbed Wire Grass (R. Br.) a.Camus<br />

Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Common Couch (L.) Pers.<br />

Poaceae Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog’s Tail L.<br />

Poaceae Cynosurus echinatus Rough Dog’s Tail L.<br />

Poaceae Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot L.<br />

Poaceae Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass (R. Br.) P.Beauv.<br />

Poaceae Desmazeria rigida Doney<br />

Poaceae Deyeuxia accedens Vick.<br />

Poaceae Deyeuxia acuminata Vick.<br />

Poaceae Deyeuxia decipiens (R. Br.) Vick.<br />

Poaceae Deyeuxia gunniana (Nees) Benth.<br />

Poaceae Deyeuxia mesathera Stapf ex Vickery<br />


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