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HClNC Vegetation Classification & mapping Project: Volume 1: Vegetation Classification Technical Report<br />

MU 45 — Flooded Gum / Brush Box / Tallowwood mesic tall open forest of the Lower North Coast<br />

foothills<br />

Mesic tall open forests to open forests with a canopy dominated by Eucalyptus grandis,<br />

E. microcorys and Lophostemon confertus and a diverse small tree layer which may include<br />

Acmena smithii, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Livistona australis and Allocasuarina<br />

torulosa. The shrub layer includes various shrubs such as Pittosporum revolutum, Psychotria<br />

loniceroides and Rhodamnia rubescens, as well as numerous climbers such as Dioscorea<br />

transversa, D. transversa and Morinda jasminoides. The ground layer may include various<br />

ferns such as Blechnum cartilagineum and Doodia aspera, grasses and graminoids including<br />

Oplismenus imbecillis and Gymnostachys anceps and scattered forbs. In terms of naturalised<br />

species only Lantana (Lantana camara, 50%) was commonly recorded in the community.<br />

This community occurs on the ranges of the Lower North Coast at lower elevations and on<br />

a range of substrates.<br />

MU 46 — New England Blackbutt / Tallowwood semi-mesic open forest at intermediate altitudes<br />

of southern North Coast<br />

Semi-mesic tall open forests to open forests dominated by Eucalyptus campanulata and<br />

often including E. microcorys and E. laevopinea in the canopy. The small tree layer typically<br />

includes mesic species such as Caldcluvia paniculosa and Schizomeria ovata as well as<br />

Allocasuarina torulosa and Acacia melanoxylon. The shrub layer also consists of mesophyllous<br />

and sclerophyllous species, including Cryptocarya rigida, Psychotria loniceroides, Trochocarpa<br />

laurina, Leucopogon lanceolatus and Persoonia media along with various climbers such as<br />

Hibbertia dentata and Cissus hypoglauca. The ground layer is typically dominated by ferns<br />

including Blechnum cartilagineum and Calochlaena dubia and tussock grasses, mainly Poa<br />

sieberiana. No naturalised species were recorded in more than 25% of sites within the<br />

community.<br />

This community can be found within the study area on foothills of the Lower North Coast<br />

at mid to high elevations on various substrates.<br />

MU 47 — Sydney Blue Gum / Tallowwood moist tall open forest at mid altitudes of the southern<br />

North Coast<br />

Moist tall open forests to open forests dominated by Eucalyptus saligna, E. microcorys and<br />

typically including Lophostemon confertus in the canopy. A smaller tree layer is typically<br />

present and may include various mesic species, particularly Caldcluvia paniculosa and<br />

Schizomeria ovata as well as Acacia melanoxylon. The shrub layer similarly contains a mix of<br />

mesic and sclerophyllous species, including Trochocarpa laurina, Psychotria loniceroides and<br />

Cryptocarya rigida, as well as numerous climbers such as Cissus hypoglauca and C. antarctica and<br />

tree ferns (Cyathea australis) are also commonly present. The ground layer characteristically<br />

consists mainly of ferns, including Blechnum cartilagineum and Lastreopsis decomposita, and<br />

graminoids such as Lomandra longifolia, Dianella caerulea and Gymnostachys anceps. No<br />

naturalised species were recorded in more than 25% of sites within the community.<br />

Within the study area, this community occurs on various substrates on the foothills of the<br />

Lower North Coast at mid to high elevations.<br />


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