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HClNC Vegetation Classification & mapping Project: Volume 1: Vegetation Classification Technical Report<br />

including various mesic shrubs such as Pittosporum undulatum and Diospyros australis. The<br />

shrub / grass understorey typically consists of an open layer of shrubs such as Persoonia<br />

linearis and Breynia oblongifolia over a predominately grassy ground layer dominated by<br />

Poa sieberiana. The ground layer also commonly includes various ferns such as Adiantum<br />

formosum and Doodia aspera, graminoids such as Dianella caerulea, Lepidosperma laterale and<br />

Gymnostachys anceps and scattered forbs including Oxalis chnoodes and Pratia purpurascens.<br />

No naturalised species were commonly recorded for this community.<br />

Within the study area this community occurs on foothills of the Lower North Coast at mid<br />

to higher elevations on a range substrates of varying fertility.<br />

MU 40 — Blackbutt / Turpentine / Forest Oak shrub / fern open forest<br />

Open forests dominated by Eucalyptus pilularis, Angophora costata and Syncarpia glomulifera.<br />

The semi-mesic understorey includes a sparse small tree layer dominated by Allocasuarina<br />

torulosa and often including Glochidion ferdinandi and a shrub layer commonly including<br />

Persoonia linearis and Polyscias sambucifolia. Various vines, including Pandorea pandorana,<br />

are typically present in the understorey. The ground layer is characteristically ferny and<br />

dominated by Doodia aspera, Calochlaena dubia and Blechnum cartilagineum, with patchy<br />

grasses including Entolasia stricta. This community is highly susceptible to invasion by<br />

Lantana (Lantana camara) with this species being recorded at 88% of sites. The only other<br />

weed species commonly recorded was Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) which<br />

was recorded in 29% of sites.<br />

This community is found mainly on sandstone substrates and occurs within the community<br />

on the hinterland of the Central Coast at lower elevations.<br />

MU 41 — Turpentine / Forest Oak moist shrubby open forest<br />

Moist open forests with a canopy dominated by Syncarpia glomulifera and commonly<br />

including Angohpora floribunda, with various other eucalypts, such as Eucalyptus paniculata<br />

and E. pilularis, less commonly found. An open small tree layer including Allocasuarina<br />

torulosa, Glochidion ferdinandi and Clerodendrum tomentosum is often present. The denser<br />

shrub layer may include various species such as Persoonia linearis, Maytenus silvestris and<br />

Polyscias sambucifolia. The ground layer is typically dominated by ferns including Doodia<br />

aspera, Calochlaena dubia and Adiantum aethiopicum, along with scattered grasses such as<br />

Entolasia stricta, Oplismenus imbecillis and patches of Imperata cylindrica in more open areas.<br />

The most commonly recorded naturalised species in this community was Lantana (Lantana<br />

camara, 30%).<br />

Within the study area, this community occurs on the ranges of the Sydney Basin at lower<br />

elevations on lower fertility substrates, mainly sandstones and conglomerates.<br />

MU 42 — White Mahogany / Turpentine moist shrubby open forest<br />

Shrubby open forests with a mixed canopy including Syncarpia glomulifera and Eucalyptus<br />

acmenoides, with E. saligna and E. siderophloia also often present. The semi-mesic understorey<br />

commonly includes various tall shrubs and small trees such as Callistemon salignus, Acacia<br />

maidenii, Diospyros australis and Allocasuarina torulosa. Smaller shrubs commonly present<br />

include Rhodamnia rubescens, Pittosporum revolutum, Notelaea longifolia and Croton verreauxii,<br />

with various climbers including Cissus antarctica, C. hypoglauca and Dioscorea transversa also<br />


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