Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985

Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985

Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985


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author argues, all threats to the maintenance of systemic relations; the<br />

minimal changes necessary to avoid crisis in the natural and social environment,<br />

must derive from a greater understanding of the systemic nature<br />

of human history and the cultural roots of human standards. The<br />

conditions for survival are cultural rather than technological; they<br />

require from societies, groups and individuals the ability to reset<br />

their appreciative systems, their standards of what to expect, what to<br />

attempt, and what to put up with, to an extent which people have not<br />

previously achieved or needed.<br />

. Fri tjof Capra and Charlene Spretnak, Green Politics - the global<br />

promise (New York: E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1984) 244pp. A new movement, the<br />

Greens. in their call for a new world oder, are challenging the basic<br />

assumptions of both the left and the right. Calling themselves an<br />

antiparty party, the Greens have introduced a program based on<br />

ecological wisdom, social responsability, grassroots democracy, sexual<br />

equality and non-violence at all levels. Green politics calls for a<br />

sound, sustainable economic system that is decentralized, equitable and<br />

compromised of flexible institutions, one in which people have<br />

significant control over their lives. Green Politics, gives an account<br />

of the rise of the Green parties in Europe (particularly the most powerful<br />

one in West Germany) and a comprehensive critique of the accomplishments<br />

of the movement to date. Fritjof Capra and Charlene Spretnak also<br />

offer concrete proposals and structures for a U.S. Green movement, and<br />

present Green responses to various key political issues being debated<br />

here today. Cautioning against making the errors they identified in<br />

their study of the European Greens, the authors discuss the problems<br />

that a Green movement would face here. Spretnak and Capra agree with the<br />

ideas and values of the Greens, but are critical of many of their specific<br />

proposals, approaches and internal dynamics.<br />

. Ingmar Grandstedt, L'irnpasse industrlelle (Paris: Editions du<br />

Seuil, 1980) 249pp. Cette crise n'est pas come les autres. Et son issue<br />

non plus. Pour l'entrevoir, 11 faut aller au-del2 des querelles politiques<br />

scleros6es et des certitudes faciles sur la facture p6troliZre. le<br />

'red6ploiement industriel" et les transnationales. L'auteur soutient ici<br />

que nous sommes pi6g6s par nos outils de production, qu'aucune Gconomie<br />

n'est viable avec les outils demesures que 1'Zre industrielle a repandus.<br />

I1 montre comment Ie recours 2 des technologies de puissance pour<br />

produire jusqu'aux choses les plus simples de la vie finit par creer S<br />

travers regions et nations des interdspendances tellement compliqu6es et<br />

rigides que l'ensemble devient fragile et s'effondre. C'est pourquoi la<br />

crise actuelle exige une option radicale: faire face 3 un autre mode de<br />

production, fond6 sur l'autonomie des personnes, inventer de nouveaux<br />

outils, petits et souples, dissemin6s dans les quartiers, les communes<br />

et chez les gens, rendre les economies moins compliquties et viables,<br />

d6couvrir une libert6 nouvelle, rgelle et quotidienne.<br />

. Jon Wynne-Tyson, The Civilised Alternative, A Pattern for Protest<br />

(London: Centaur Press Ltd, 1972) 224pp. If we do not learn how to deflect<br />

the course of our violent, acquisitive society, we shall destroy<br />

not only our surroundings but ourselves. Merely to "drop out" is a negative<br />

gesture. We must be prepared to contribute towards a better pattern<br />

- a civilised alternative (Fontwell, Sussex and 11-14 Stanhope, Mews<br />

West, London, SW 7, England).

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