Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985

Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985

Ifda dossier 47, May/June 1985


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6change apportera un supplement d'infonaation 2 cous ceux que Ie combat<br />

des homes et des femmes du Sud pour Ie developpement de leurs pays et<br />

pour des rapports plus justes et plus equilibres entre les nations, ne<br />

laissent pas indifferents. Luis Echeverria est membre du Conseil de la<br />

FIPAD .<br />

. Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, "Deuda Externa y Alternativas de Desarrollo<br />

en America Latina", pp.111-130 y Alejandro Foxley, "Formas de la<br />

Politica Despues del Autoritarismo", pp.203-210. Estudios CIEPLAN NO15<br />

(Casilla 16496, Correo 9, Santiago, Chile).<br />

. Edem Kodjo, ... Et demain 1'Afrique (Paris: Editions Stock, <strong>1985</strong>)<br />

366pp. 38 millions d'Africains sont menaces de famine. Pourtant 11 exis-<br />

te en Afrique 500 millions d'hectares de terres arables susceptibles<br />

d'etre mises en valeur. Ce continent recele des ressources fabuleuses:<br />

tresors du sous-sol, ressources en gaz naturel, mais il abrite en meme<br />

temps Ie plus grand nombre de pays les moins avances. L'Afrique est<br />

pleine de paradoxes: faut-il desesperer de son sort? Secretaire general<br />

de 1'O.U.A. (1978-1983). l'auteur explique avec clarts les raisons qu'il<br />

y a de croire au destin de 1'Afrique. I1 propose un reamsnagement hard!<br />

de l'espace politique d'un continent morcele, une strategic de develop-<br />

pement oii l'education, la recherche scientifique, s'harmoniseraient avec<br />

l'identit6 des peuples du continent. Enfin, une prise de conscience par<br />

les Africains de leur place et de leur r3le dans Ie monde. Un long che-<br />

min reste 5 faire mais une nouvelle approche de l'unite africaine s'im-<br />

pose. La volonte politique precede la realisation des grandes oeuvres<br />

6conomiques et sociales.<br />

. Timothy M. Shaw and Olajide Aluko (eds), The Political Economy of<br />

African Foreign Policy (Aldershot: Gower Publishing Co.,Ltd., 1984)<br />

397pp. The perpetuation of dependence and under-development is causing<br />

African leaders to rethink their development strategies and scholars to<br />

redesign their analytical perspectives. This collection adopts a novel<br />

political economy approach to the comparitive study of African foreign<br />

and development policy. It seeks to explain and identify alternative<br />

strategies as Africa moves towards a difficult mid-term future. The con-<br />

tributors - all experts on their respective countries - compare the his-<br />

torical inheritance, national structures and external linkages of 13<br />

African states. This comprehensive set of comparative studies, incorpo-<br />

rating a critical mode of analysis will benefit students and scholars of<br />

Africa, decision-makers, politicians and bureaucrats, international or-<br />

ganisations and those concerned with the issues of development, depen-<br />

dence, comparative analysis and political economy.<br />

. Susantha Goonatilake, Aborted Discovery, Science and Creativity in<br />

the Third Wor1.d (London: Zed Press). In this thought-provoking formula-<br />

tion of the social and historical nature of science, the author shows<br />

how modern Western science, despite its original borrowings from Arab<br />

and other non-Western societies, overwhelmed the rich intellectual and<br />

scientific traditions of various non-European civilisations and has<br />

today established an unparalleled hegemony. Dr. Goonatilake - himself an<br />

engineer turned political economist - argues that this historical pro-<br />

cess of displacement was closely related to the growth of European impe-<br />

rialism and colonialism. Today Western science has pre-empted any scien-<br />

tific formulations outside its own parameters, resulting in an imitative<br />

rather than creative science in the Third World. The consequences of

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