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125<br />

dactylus styliform. Female operculum rounded, without any longitudinal keel;<br />

male operculum transformed in the usual manner. Uropoda not very large, simple,<br />

Inarticulate, distal joint much larger than the proximal one.<br />

Remarks. This genus was established by the present author as early as<br />

in the year 1863, and was at that time included within the group "Isopoda remi-<br />

gantia", answering to the now generally accepted family Munnopsidce. The reason<br />

for this was that the 3 posterior pairs of legs were proved to act as pulling<br />

implements, by which the animal is enabled to move freely through<br />

the water in<br />

a backward direction. In their structure, however, these legs differ rather pro-<br />

minently from those in the true Munnopsidce,<br />

and in most other characters this<br />

genus resembles much more closely the 3 preceding genera, and may therefore<br />

more properly be associated with them in a separate family. In the restriction<br />

here adopted, the genus comprises as yet only 3 species, 2 of which will be de-<br />

scribed below, the 3rd having recently been recorded by<br />

the Bay of Biscay under the name of IJ. elongatum.<br />

1. Desmosoma lineare,<br />

(PI. LIII, PL LIV, fig. 1.)<br />

G. 0. Sars.<br />

M. Jules Bonnier from<br />

Desmosoma lineare, G. 0. Sars, Om en anomal Gruppe af Isopoder. Chv. Vid. Selsk. Forhandl.<br />

1863, p. 11.<br />

Specific Characters. Pody slender, linear in form, being in female almost<br />

5 times as long as it is broad, in male somewhat shorter. Cephalon of moderate<br />

size, irregularly rounded, frontal part somewhat produced, and transversely trun-<br />

cated in female, slightly insinuated in male. The 4 anterior segments of mesosome<br />

differing but little in shape, lateral parts in all of them curving anteriorly, and<br />

terminating in an acute corner, which in male is produced to a strong spiniform<br />

projection. Posterior section of mesosome exceeding in length the preceding part<br />

of the body, and fully as broad, in male even somewhat broader, 1st segment<br />

large and expanded, with the antero-lateral corners acutely produced. Caudal<br />

segment in female semi-oval, in male broader, almost semicircular, edges evenly<br />

curved. Superior antenna? 6-articulate, 2nd joint the longest. Inferior antenna?<br />

in female scarcely longer than the anterior division of the body, last joint of the<br />

peduncle longer than the penultimate one, flagellum about the length<br />

of those<br />

joints combined, and composed of 12 14 articulations. Inferior antenna? in male<br />

considerably larger, attaining half the length of the body, 2nd joint of the pe-<br />

duncle armed outside with a strong spine, the 2 outer joints considerably tume-<br />

fied, and each having 2 spines at the end outside, flagellum pronouncedly fusi-

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