Nebraska Soils Field Trip - Virginia Tech

Nebraska Soils Field Trip - Virginia Tech

Nebraska Soils Field Trip - Virginia Tech


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4th IUSS Soil Classification Conference <strong>Field</strong> Tour Guidebook<br />

2Cg5--107 to 150 centimeters; light olive brown (2.5Y 5/3) crushed stratified very fine sandy loam, light<br />

yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/3), dry; massive; very friable, soft; few fine roots throughout; many fine highcontinuity<br />

tubular pores; 3 percent fine and medium irregular 10YR 2/2 iron-manganese masses<br />

throughout; strong effervescence, by HCl, unspecified; many medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR<br />

4/6) cylindrical soft masses of iron accumulation with diffuse boundaries surrounding many coarse distinct<br />

gray (2.5Y 6/1) cylindrical soft iron depletions with diffuse boundaries lining pores; gradual wavy<br />

boundary. Lab sample # 95P02559<br />

2Cg6--150 to 180 centimeters; light brownish gray (2.5Y 6/2) crushed stratified very fine sandy loam to silt<br />

loam, light gray (2.5Y 7/2), dry; massive; very friable, soft; common fine high-continuity tubular pores; 3<br />

percent fine cylindrical 10YR 2/1 iron-manganese masses throughout; strong effervescence, by HCl,<br />

unspecified; very many coarse prominent reddish brown (5YR 4/4) platelike soft masses of iron<br />

accumulation with sharp boundaries on faces of peds; many medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR 4/6)<br />

irregular shaped soft masses of iron accumulation with clear boundaries in matrix; common fine and<br />

medium prominent reddish brown (5YR 4/4) cylindrical soft masses of iron accumulation with sharp<br />

boundaries lining pores; diffuse wavy boundary. Lab sample # 95P02560<br />

2Cg7--180 to 203 centimeters; grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) crushed stratified very fine sandy loam, light gray<br />

(2.5Y 7/2), dry; massive; very friable, soft; common fine high-continuity tubular pores; 3 percent medium<br />

platy 10YR 2/1 iron-manganese masses; strong effervescence, by HCl, unspecified; many medium and<br />

coarse prominent yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) cylindrical soft masses of iron accumulation with diffuse<br />

boundaries surrounding many medium and coarse distinct gray (2.5Y 6/1) cylindrical soft iron depletions<br />

with clear boundaries lining pores and few fine and medium prominent yellowish red (5YR 4/6) cylindrical<br />

soft masses of iron accumulation with sharp boundaries lining pores. Lab sample # 95P02561<br />


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