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Annex: Enumerator/Facilitator Field Manual<br />

but he/ she may also rare cattle, and poultry. Here you should record the primary economic activity.<br />

The codes for economic activities are presented on the last column of page 3.<br />

A8. Other Economic Activities could be more than one. The questionnaire will allow you to record<br />

maximum two other income sources for each member. If a member has more than 2 activities, please<br />

ask the member to choose two based on the importance of the activity to that member. The codes are<br />

on page 3.<br />

A9. Please ask the Number of Income Sources of each member. This question requires facilitation.<br />

Often members tend to identify only the major income sources (e.g. farming, job, etc.) and forget to<br />

mention the minor ones (poultry rearing, vegetable gardening, etc.). For this study all of them are<br />

equally important.<br />

B. Education<br />

B1. Educational Achievement codes are provided at the bottom of page 4 as code 1. If a member<br />

completed grade 5, then the appropriate code should be ‘4’. If s/he completed grade 4 then the code<br />

would be ‘3’ which is ‘preparatory’.<br />

B2 to B5. These information are required for the member whose age is in between 5 to 18 years. The<br />

codes are provided on the same page at the bottom. Multiple answers are expected for the reasons for<br />

non/ partial attendance.<br />

C. Health, Maternal & Child Care<br />

List all members age 15 years and above from page page 2. Please make sure that the member ID<br />

number matches with page 2.<br />

C2, and C4. The recall period is two weeks. Both of the questions require ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.<br />

Please use ‘1’ for yes and ‘2’ for no. If the answer in C2 is ‘no’, skip to C6. Similarly, if the answer<br />

in C4 is ‘no’ skip to C6. If the answer in C6 is ‘no’ skip to C8.<br />

C8 to C13. These information are needed from the women members who are currently married age<br />

between 15 and 49 years. For other please skip the questions. Age and sex of the household members<br />

recorded on page 2 will help to identify to whom you should ask these questions.<br />

C11. If a child was aborted or terminated before 7 months of pregnancy, then do not consider that as<br />

child birth.<br />

The answers for C1, C3, C7, and C13 are coded and presented at the bottom of page 5. Code 1<br />

contains health status code. Illness for more than 3 months is considered as Long-term illness while<br />

illness for less than three months is considered as Short-term illness. The question in C13 is ‘who<br />

delivered this child’? The answers are coded under code 4. One of the answer choices is trained<br />

TBAs. TBAs are traditional birth attendants whose work is helping women in childbirth.<br />

D. Infrastructure<br />

D1. Do you own or rent house? If the household either completely or partially owns the house, skip<br />

to D3.<br />


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