Tasting Kitchen

Welcome to Tasting Kitchen. Season’s Greetings – or should I say Seasonings Greetings! This holiday TK issue is full of spices and flavorings. We talk to four talented and ambitious chefs about the flavor profile – or Flavor DNA – of dishes from India, Sichuan, Vietnam and the Isaan region of Thailand. Think cardamom, black salt and saffron, red peppercorns, red chilies and green chilies, dill, Kaffir lime, lemongrass, coriander, galangal and turmeric. We take a look at spices in history, and how even back in the Middle Ages savvy marketers knew the value of a good story. Spice merchants claimed that birds used cinnamon sticks to make giant nests in the cliffs above beaches in India, which “cinnamon hunters” then plotted to obtain. Today India is still associated with the world’s best spices. In this issue, for our first Tasting Destinations feature, TK’s Director of Photography David Hartung and Senior Writer Lucy Morgan traveled to Old Delhi to visit the world’s largest spice market and to New Delhi to visit one of the world’s top restaurants for modern Indian cuisine. One of our featured wines is the peppery Austrian Grüner Veltliner. We also talk to a New Zealand Wine Master about what makes great wine great, and to a leading French Champagne Chef de Cave about the value of patience and restraint. There are also some crabs running loose in the issue. A master chef in Macau shares his recipe for Quinoa Lobster Salad while five more from Hong Kong and Singapore share their favorite crab dishes and culinary musings. Happy Holidays,

Welcome to Tasting Kitchen.
Season’s Greetings – or should I say
Seasonings Greetings!
This holiday TK issue is full of spices and
We talk to four talented and ambitious
chefs about the flavor profile – or Flavor DNA
– of dishes from India, Sichuan, Vietnam and
the Isaan region of Thailand. Think cardamom,
black salt and saffron, red peppercorns, red
chilies and green chilies, dill, Kaffir lime,
lemongrass, coriander, galangal and turmeric.
We take a look at spices in history, and
how even back in the Middle Ages savvy marketers knew the value of a good story.
Spice merchants claimed that birds used cinnamon sticks to make giant nests in the
cliffs above beaches in India, which “cinnamon hunters” then plotted to obtain.
Today India is still associated with the world’s best spices. In this issue, for
our first Tasting Destinations feature, TK’s Director of Photography David Hartung
and Senior Writer Lucy Morgan traveled to Old Delhi to visit the world’s largest
spice market and to New Delhi to visit one of the world’s top restaurants for modern
Indian cuisine.
One of our featured wines is the peppery Austrian Grüner Veltliner. We also
talk to a New Zealand Wine Master about what makes great wine great, and to a
leading French Champagne Chef de Cave about the value of patience and restraint.
There are also some crabs running loose in the issue. A master chef in Macau
shares his recipe for Quinoa Lobster Salad while five more from Hong Kong and
Singapore share their favorite crab dishes and culinary musings.
Happy Holidays,


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tasting news<br />

午 茶 创 新 意<br />

creative tea<br />

MIXOLOGISTS are in their element when<br />

competing to develop the next trendy<br />

cocktail. High tea wouldn’t seem to be<br />

conducive to the same kind of creative oneupsmanship.<br />

But then again, why not? Why<br />

shouldn’t professional chefs battle to create<br />

the next hot high tea? Dilmah encourages<br />

creative cooking, thinking and drinking<br />

with their Hong Kong & Macau Real High<br />

Tea Challenge. The challenge is this: to put<br />

together an original menu for a traditional<br />

high tea using tea as a main ingredient.<br />

This will be the eighth year of the Real<br />

High Tea Challenge, which has been held<br />

previously in a number of exotic destinations<br />

across the globe. Memorably successful<br />

creations from past Challenges include teainfused<br />

chai macarons, tea-candied macadamias<br />

and lychee and strawberry tea sangria.<br />

Winners receive a seven-day VIP tour of Sri<br />

Lanka and as well as a slot to compete in<br />

the Real High Tea Global Challenge.<br />

C<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

CM<br />

MY<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />

K<br />

称 职 的 调 酒 师 能 创 造 出 一 杯 杯 新 潮 、 带 动 流<br />

行 的 鸡 尾 酒 , 而 隐 身 在 厨 房 的 下 午 茶 师 傅 首<br />

重 承 袭 传 统 作 法 。 但 为 何 下 午 茶 不 能 有 创 意 ?<br />

难 道 下 午 茶 师 傅 就 不 能 标 新 立 异 ? 为 了 鼓 励<br />

制 作 、 思 维 与 饮 茶 的 创 新 , 全 球 第 三 大 茶 叶<br />

公 司 Dilmah 于 香 港 和 澳 门 举 办 下 午 茶 挑 战 赛 。<br />

参 赛 者 必 须 以 茶 为 主 轴 , 结 合 传 统 下 午 茶 精<br />

神 和 呈 现 方 式 , 创 作 出 新 口 味 的 茶 点 或 茶 饮 。<br />

下 午 茶 挑 战 赛 已 于 全 球 各 地 不 同 城 市 举<br />

办 , 今 年 来 到 第 八 届 , 过 去 几 届 的 得 奖 者 也<br />

创 造 出 许 多 令 人 难 忘 的 美 味 茶 点 , 像 是 印 度<br />

香 料 奶 茶 口 味 马 卡 龙 、 茶 味 坚 果 、 草 莓 荔 枝<br />

红 茶 口 味 桑 格 莉 亚 。 此 次 挑 战 赛 获 胜 者 可 得<br />

到 为 期 七 天 的 斯 里 兰 卡 VIP 之 旅 , 同 时 晋 级<br />

参 加 在 斯 里 兰 卡 举 办 的 全 球 下 午 茶 竞 赛 , 和<br />

来 自 各 地 的 好 手 一 较 高 下 。<br />

realhightea.dilmahtea.com/2013/hk/<br />


18<br />

| TK | flavor dna

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