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2010010324<br />

俄 罗 斯 中 二 叠 世 Grylloblattida 目<br />

( 昆 虫 纲 ) 的 一 新 科 = A new family<br />

of the order Grylloblattida (Insecta)<br />

from the Middle Permian of Russia. ( 英<br />

文 ). Aristov D S. Paleontological Journal,<br />

2009, 43(2): 178-182 2 图 版 .<br />

A new family, Ivapteridae fam. nov.<br />

(Insecta; Grylloblattida), is described<br />

from the Middle Permian locality of<br />

Soyana (Arkhangelsk Region; Kazanian<br />

Stage). It is most similar to Sojanoraphidiidae<br />

O. Martynova, 1952, differing<br />

from it in the subcostal field being traversed<br />

in the basal half of the wing by<br />

long, curved, and strongly oblique<br />

crossveins that form a double row of<br />

cells, the base of CuA being free, and<br />

CuA 1 thin compared to CuA 2 . The new<br />

family is represented by a single species,<br />

Ivaptera sharovi, gen. et sp. nov. An<br />

overview of the modern system of the<br />

order Grylloblattida is included.<br />

2010010325<br />

对 侏 罗 纪 石 蝇 属 Dobbertiniopteryx<br />

Ansorge 和 Karanemoura Sinitshenkova<br />

修 正 ( 昆 虫 纲 : 襀 翅 目 ¬) 以 及 中<br />

国 道 虎 沟 村 新 种 描 述 = A revision of<br />

the Jurassic Stonefly Genera Dobbertiniopteryx<br />

Ansorge and Karanemoura<br />

Sinitshenkova (Insecta: Plecoptera),<br />

with the description of new species from<br />

the Daohugou locality, China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Liu Y S; Sinitshenkova N D; Ren D. Paleontological<br />

Journal, 2009, 43(2): 183-<br />

190 6 图 版 .<br />

The stonefly genera Dobbertiniopteryx<br />

Ansorge and Karanemoura Sinitshenkova<br />

are revised. Based on new material<br />

from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou,<br />

China, two new species, D. juracapnia<br />

sp. nov. and K. manca sp. nov.,<br />

are described and Karanemoura abrupta<br />

Sinitshenkova, 1987 is redescribed. K.<br />

desiliens Sinitshenkova, 1987 is excluded<br />

from Karanemoura; its position<br />

within the family Perlariopseidae remains<br />

uncertain. The placement of Dobbertiniopteryx<br />

in the modern family<br />

Capniidae is confirmed. The perfect<br />

state of preservation of the nearly complete<br />

adult stonefly remains from China<br />

made it possible to improve and extend<br />

the diagnoses of the Perlariopseidae and<br />

Dobbertiniopteryx. The geological<br />

background of the Daohugou deposits is<br />

briefly discussed.<br />

2010010326<br />

对 美 国 弗 洛 里 森 特 一 些 寄 生 蜂 ( 膜 翅<br />

目 : 细 蜂 总 科 广 义 的 ) 的 修 正 = Revision<br />

of some parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera:<br />

Proctotrupoidea sensu lato) from<br />

the Florissant locality, United States. ( 英<br />

文 ). Kolyada V A. Paleontological<br />

Journal, 2009, 43(2): 191-196 4 图 版 .<br />

The types of the parasitic wasps described<br />

in the families Proctotrupidae,<br />

Diapriidae, and Scelionidae (Hymenoptera)<br />

from the Upper Eocene Florissant<br />

locality (Colorado, United States) are<br />

revised. All the specimens are shown to<br />

belong to the family Proctotrupidae, representing<br />

the genera Oxyserphus,<br />

Mischoserphus, Nothoserphus, and Palaeoteleia.<br />

The known species are redescribed<br />

and two new species,<br />

Mischoserphus bruesi sp. nov. and Nothoserphus<br />

rasnitsyni sp. nov., are described.<br />

A new combination, Oxyserphus<br />

exhumatus (Brues, 1910), comb.<br />

nov., and a new synonymy, Paramesius<br />

defectus Brues, 1910, syn. nov. = Oxyserphus<br />

exhumatus (Brues, 1910), are<br />

established.<br />

2010010327<br />

Karatau 中 - 晚 侏 罗 世 叩 头 虫 蚴 型 甲 虫<br />

一 新 属 ( 鞘 翅 目 , 多 食 目 ) = A new<br />

genus of Elateriform beetles (Coleoptera,<br />

Polyphaga) from the Middle-Late Jurassic<br />

of Karatau. ( 英 文 ). Yan E V. Paleontological<br />

Journal, 2009, 43(1): 78-<br />

82 3 图 版 .<br />

A new coleopteran genus, Anacapitis<br />

gen. nov., comprising A. karataviensis<br />

sp. nov., A. incertus sp. nov., and A. ob-<br />


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