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Bonde J W. Historical Biology, 2007,<br />

19(2): 203-207<br />

Here we describe a pathological osteoderm<br />

from the crocodylomorph Diplocynodon<br />

hantoniensis (Bouldnor Formation,<br />

earliest Oligocene, Isle of Wight,<br />

United Kingdom). The specimen bears a<br />

porous, erosive branching channel that<br />

distorts the surface ornamentation and<br />

periosteum over 60% of the preserved<br />

dorsal surface area. We diagnose this<br />

condition as necrotizing dermatitis: a<br />

surficial bacterial or fungal infection that<br />

can penetrate the dermal layers to affect<br />

the underlaying penosteum of osteoderms.<br />

This condition has been previously<br />

reported for an extant tortoise<br />

and caiman; however, this is the first reported<br />

occurrence in the fossil record.<br />

2010010048<br />

晚 白 垩 世 Arkhangelskiella 群 的 生 物<br />

统 计 : 由 营 养 流 控 制 的 生 态 表 型 =<br />

Biometry of the Late Cretaceous Arkhangelskiella<br />

group: ecophenotypes controlled<br />

by nutrient flux. ( 英 文 ). Linnert<br />

C; Mutterlose J. Cretaceous Research,<br />

2009, 30(5): 1193-1204 1 图 版 .<br />

This study focuses on the morphometry<br />

and taxonomy of the Late Cretaceous<br />

coccolith genus Arkhangelskiella. Sixty<br />

samples from the Campanian–<br />

Maastrichtian interval of DSDP Hole<br />

390A (Blake Nose) were investigated<br />

for their contents of Arkhangelskiella<br />

spp. In each sample one hundred specimens<br />

of Arkhangelskiella spp. were examined<br />

by measuring the coccolith<br />

length and width, as well as the length<br />

and width of the central area. In the<br />

samples investigated the Arkhangelskiella<br />

group exhibits a large size variation,<br />

specimens length varies from<br />

4.95 μm to 14.52 μm. Former taxonomic<br />

concepts, based on morphometry, subdivided<br />

the Arkhangelskiella group into<br />

three species: Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana,<br />

Arkhangelskiella confusa and<br />

Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis. Our data<br />

show a large variability of the morphometric<br />

data (coccolith length, width<br />

of the outer rim). There is no indication<br />

for three independant species; two of the<br />

quoted taxa (1. thick outer<br />

rim = Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana;<br />

2. very thin outer<br />

rim = Arkkhangelskiella cymbiformis)<br />

seem to be extreme forms of a continuous<br />

morphometric lineage. The lower<br />

part of the investigated succession<br />

(139.92–133.42 mbsf) is dominated by<br />

small specimens with an average length<br />

of 6.8 μm whereas the upper part<br />

(132.86–126.15 mbsf) is characterized<br />

by larger specimens (mean 8.7 μm). In<br />

DSDP Hole 390A the size increase appears<br />

to be very abrupt, within two samples<br />

(samples 133.42 mbsf, 132.86 mbsf)<br />

the mean size increases by 1.51 μm.<br />

Previous morphometric studies of Arkhangelskiella<br />

indicate a more continuous<br />

size increase throughout the late Campanian–Maastrichtian.<br />

The abrupt size<br />

increase observed here hints toward a<br />

minor hiatus in DSDP Hole 390A separating<br />

upper Campanian from lower<br />

Maastrichtian sediments. It seems likely<br />

that the size increase of Arkhangelskiella<br />

reflects changes of various environmental<br />

factors like nutrient supply and<br />

sea water chemistry (Mg/Ca ratio; Ca<br />

concentration). A comparison of morphometric<br />

results with previous palaeoecological<br />

studies documents a nutrient<br />

control for the growth of Arkhangelskiella.<br />

Small specimens can be<br />

related to more mesotrophic conditions<br />

whereas large specimens are linked to<br />

oligotrophic surface waters.<br />

2010010049<br />

保 存 在 古 代 叶 甲 虫 中 的 原 始 结 构 颜 色<br />

= Original structural color preserved in<br />

an ancient leaf beetle. ( 英 文 ). Tanaka G;<br />

Taniguchi H; Maeda H; Nomura S. Geology,<br />

2010, 38(2): 127-130<br />

Greenish-blue metallic colored fossil<br />

elytra of the leaf beetle (Plateumaris sp.)<br />

have been discovered in the peat sediment<br />

of the middle Pleistocene (ca. 600<br />


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