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2010010269<br />

奥 地 利 Calcareous Alps 北 部 欧 洲 最<br />

老 的 侏 罗 纪 菊 石 及 其 全 球 意 义 = On<br />

the oldest Jurassic ammonites of Europe<br />

(Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria) and<br />

their global significance. ( 英 文 ). Hillebrandt<br />

A V; Krystyn L. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen,<br />

2009, 253(2-3): 163-195<br />

The earliest ammonite species of Jurassic<br />

type, Psiloceras spelae, was unknown<br />

till 1998. This species bridges the<br />

long gap between the latest Triassic and<br />

the earliest Jurassic ammonoids. It was<br />

discovered in North America, then in<br />

South America and finally in Europe.<br />

The species is proposed as boundary<br />

marker for the base of the Jurassic system.<br />

It is known in two forms which are<br />

regarded as subspecies.<br />

2010010270<br />

腹 足 类 Aldanella 属 (Archaeobranchia,<br />

Pelagielliformes) 形 态 新 资 料 = New<br />

data on the morphology of ancient gastropods<br />

of the genus Aldanella<br />

Vostokova, 1962 (Archaeobranchia,<br />

Pelagielliformes). ( 英 文 ). Parkhaev P<br />

Yu. Paleontological Journal, 2006,<br />

40(3): 244-252 5 图 版 .<br />

The position of attachment of the<br />

shell muscle is discovered in the columellar<br />

area of the shell of the Early<br />

Cambrian univalved genus Aldanella<br />

(family Aldanellidae, order Pelagielliformes,<br />

subclass Archaeobranchia), the<br />

structure of its protoconch is described,<br />

and the presence of series of septa in the<br />

embryonic part of their shell is confirmed.<br />

These new features confidently<br />

support the position of the family<br />

Aldanellidae within the gastropod class<br />

and allow them to be considered ancestral<br />

to younger gastropod lineages with a<br />

turbospiral shell.<br />

2010010271<br />

显 生 宙 正 常 海 相 双 壳 类 软 体 动 物 的 分<br />

类 多 样 化 = Taxonomic diversification<br />

of normal-marine bivalve mollusks in<br />

the Phanerozoic. ( 英 文 ). Dmitriev V Yu;<br />

Nevesskaja L A. Paleontological Journal,<br />

2006, 40(3): 253-260 6 图 版 .<br />

The dynamics of the taxonomic diversification<br />

of normal-marine bivalve mollusks<br />

and that of the entire fossil marine<br />

skeletal fauna are compared. A major<br />

Early Permian turnover has been revealed.<br />

The changes in the proportions<br />

of the bivalve mollusks to the entire marine<br />

fauna during the Phanerozoic are<br />

studied.<br />

2010010272<br />

亚 洲 东 北 部 卡 尼 阶 Apartidae 科 菊 石<br />

的 首 次 发 现 = The first discovery of<br />

Apartidae (Ammonoidea) in the Carnian<br />

of northeastern Asia. ( 英 文 ). Konstantinov<br />

A G. Paleontological Journal, 2006,<br />

40(3): 261-265 4 图 版 .<br />

A new genus Siberioklipsteinia (with<br />

the type species S. dagysi sp. nov.) and a<br />

new species Arctoarpadites nelgesensis<br />

are described from the Carnian of the<br />

Kharaulakh Range and Yana Upland<br />

(eastern Yakutia). The new data allow<br />

refinement of the taxonomy of Carnian<br />

ammonoids of northeastern Asia and<br />

emendation of some details of their geographical<br />

differentiation. The new ammonoid<br />

taxa belong to the family Arpaditidae,<br />

which was not previously recorded<br />

from the eastern Boreal Realm.<br />

2010010273<br />

伏 尔 加 河 地 区 Ulyanovsk 一 带 欧 特 里<br />

夫 期 腹 足 类 软 体 动 物 :2. Khetella 属<br />

和 Cretadmete 新 属 = Gastropod mollusks<br />

from the Hauterivian of Ulyanovsk<br />

(Volga Region): 2. Genera Khetella<br />

Beisel, 1977 and Cretadmete gen. nov..<br />

( 英 文 ). Blagovetshenskiy I V; Shumilkin<br />

I A. Paleontological Journal,<br />

2006, 40(2): 143-149 2 图 版 .<br />


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