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2010010418<br />

amphiaspids 分 类 多 样 性 的 演 化 以 及<br />

在 有 利 生 态 条 件 下 灭 绝 的 原 因 = Evolution<br />

of taxonomic diversity in amphiaspids<br />

(Agnatha, Heterostraci: Amphiaspidiformes)<br />

and the causes of extinction<br />

in ecologically favorable conditions.<br />

( 英 文 ). Novitskaya L I. Paleontological<br />

Journal, 2008, 42(2): 181-191 3 图 版 .<br />

Changes in the taxonomic composition<br />

of Early Devonian amphiaspids represented<br />

in Siberia by two assemblages<br />

(from the northwestern Siberian Platform<br />

and Taimyr) are analyzed. The<br />

study is performed at the generic level<br />

and represented by diagrams. Changes<br />

in the amphiaspid composition are compared<br />

with changes in the development<br />

of the Taimyr and platform paleobasins.<br />

It is shown that shifts in ecological conditions<br />

at the stages of extinction of amphiaspids<br />

occurred within the limits of<br />

changes of abiotic factors (depth, salinity,<br />

etc.) that are usual for heterostracans.<br />

The disappearance (extinction) of amphiaspids<br />

is attributable to the level of<br />

their morphological organization, which<br />

caused inefficient adaptations to the developing<br />

paleoecosystems. The disappearance<br />

(extinction) of groups resulting<br />

from inadequate vital adaptations to the<br />

changing structure of paleoecosystems is<br />

considered to be a general law of evolution.<br />

2010010419<br />

俄 罗 斯 地 台 中 心 区 域 上 弗 拉 斯 阶 厚 甲<br />

鱼 一 新 种 = A new pachyosteomorph<br />

arthrodire (Pisces: Placodermi) from the<br />

Upper Frasnian of the Central Devonian<br />

Field, Russia. ( 英 文 ). Zakharenko G V.<br />

Paleontological Journal, 2007, 41(6):<br />

642-655 7 图 版 .<br />

A new genus and species of pachyosteomorph<br />

arthrodire, Omalosteus<br />

krutoensis gen. et sp. nov. from shallowwater<br />

marine deposits of the Evlanovo<br />

Regional Stage (Upper Frasnian, Upper<br />

Devonian) of the Central Devonian Field<br />

is described. It is tentatively referred to<br />

the family Trematosteidae Gross, 1932,<br />

which was earlier believed to be endemic<br />

to central Europe. The new genus<br />

is characterized by a rounded, dorsoventrally<br />

compressed cross section of the<br />

pectoral region and smooth head shield<br />

and postcranial membrane bones. The<br />

centrale is elongated, forming a narrow<br />

lateral lobe. The praeorbitale, postorbitale,<br />

and centrale come in contact in the<br />

center of the orbital region. The mediodorsale<br />

is wide, its carinal process projects<br />

considerably posteriorly. The anterior<br />

margin of the anterior ventrolaterale<br />

lacks articular facets for the interlaterale.<br />

2010010420<br />

俄 罗 斯 库 尔 斯 克 市 地 区 Mikhailovskii<br />

矿 弗 拉 斯 阶 下 部 的 Psammosteiforms<br />

= Psammosteiforms (Agnatha, Heterostraci)<br />

from the Lower Frasnian of the<br />

Mikhailovskii Mine, Kursk Region,<br />

Russia. ( 英 文 ). Moloshnikov S V. Paleontological<br />

Journal, 2007, 41(5): 558-<br />

563 4 图 版 .<br />

Psammosteiforms, including Tartuosteus<br />

(?) zheleznogorskensis, sp. nov.<br />

and Psammosteus cf. P. praecursor<br />

Obruchev, from the Lower Frasnian<br />

(Upper Devonian) of the Mikhailovskii<br />

Mine (Kursk Region) are described. Agnathans,<br />

placoderms, crossopterygians,<br />

and acanthodians from this locality are<br />

determined. The similarity of the Mikhailovskii<br />

Fish Assemblage to the assemblage<br />

of southern Timan suggests it<br />

be assigned to the Upper Timan Regional<br />

Stage.<br />

2010010421<br />

无 颌 类 属 种 多 样 性 的 演 化 = Evolution<br />

of generic and species diversity in agnathans<br />

(Heterostraci: Orders Cyathaspidiformes,<br />

Pteraspidiformes). ( 英 文 ). Novitskaya<br />

L I. Paleontological Journal,<br />

2007, 41(3): 268-280 4 图 版 .<br />

The evolution of generic and species<br />

diversity in agnathans (orders Cyathas-<br />


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