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amps. The studied succession consists<br />

of a stack of six cycles, consisting of terrigenous<br />

mudstones passing upwards<br />

into biocalcarenite wedges with distinct<br />

clinoforms. The prograding biocalcarenite<br />

bodies show seaward-increasing<br />

height and steepness of the clinoformed<br />

front as a result of development into increasingly<br />

deeper water, and may be regarded<br />

as the record of distally steepened<br />

ramps, dominated by storminduced<br />

downwelling flows. Evidence of<br />

forced-regressive progradation is provided<br />

by stratal geometries, physical<br />

structures, and trace fossil assemblages<br />

existing at the top of the bodies, which<br />

attest to a gradual increase in energy<br />

level at the top of the ramp, concurrently<br />

with the progression of seaward outbuilding<br />

of the bodies. Three trace-fossil<br />

suites (Thalassinoides / Piscichnus,<br />

Scolicia, Dactyloidites) are shown to be<br />

linked with the successive growth stages<br />

of individual prograding wedges,<br />

whereas abandonment stages, characterized<br />

by starvation of sediment input, are<br />

marked by the Ophiomorpha suite. The<br />

Capodarso ramps, like other Plio-<br />

Pleistocene equivalents of the Mediterranean<br />

area, are small, high-gradient<br />

ramps, with stratigraphical architecture<br />

controlled by high-amplitude, orbitally<br />

driven glacio-eustatic changes. An ecologically<br />

and bathymetrically based subdivision<br />

of the ramps into inner, mid and<br />

outer ramp environments is hardly applicable,<br />

as most of the wedge progradation<br />

occurs in highly dynamic conditions,<br />

dominated by physical processes of<br />

transport and resedimentation of skeletal<br />

material, which result in faunal composition<br />

dominated by allochthonous material.<br />

The use of trace fossils is of critical<br />

value in this context, due to the scarcity<br />

of ecological information provided by<br />

faunal elements.<br />

2010010025<br />

重 新 评 价 晚 二 叠 世 一 巨 齿 龙 遗 迹<br />

Pachypes = A re-evaluation of<br />

Pachypes, a pareiasaurian track from the<br />

Late Permian. ( 英 文 ). Valentini M;<br />

Nicosia U; Conti M A. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen,<br />

2009, 251(1): 71-94<br />

The ichnotaxon Pachypes dolomiticus<br />

Leonardi et al., 1975 from the Upper<br />

Permian Arenaria di Val Gardena<br />

(Northern Italy) was erected on the bosis<br />

of an isolated pes and assigned to pareiasaurs.<br />

Over the last three decades several<br />

other footprints haqve been found,<br />

including partial trackways, allowing<br />

here to refine the P. dolomiticus features<br />

and variability and to confirm the biotaxon<br />

correlation with pareiasaurs. Recently,<br />

two large reptilian ichnotaxa hve<br />

been uncovered from the Upper Tatarian<br />

of Russia.<br />

2010010026<br />

美 国 弗 吉 尼 亚 下 志 留 统 作 为 行 为 古 生<br />

态 证 据 的 Atthrophycus alleghaniensis<br />

的 集 群 和 形 态 变 异 = Clustering and<br />

morphologic variation in Arthrophycus<br />

alleghaniensis (Lower Silurian of Virginia,<br />

USA) as evidence of behavioral<br />

paleoecology. ( 英 文 ). Miller W III;<br />

Webb F Jr; Raymond L A. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2009, 251(1): 109-117<br />

Based on depositional setting, the spatial<br />

patterns of burrows and their<br />

morpnhologie variations, the trace producer<br />

was likely a powerful burrower<br />

capable of penetrating a thick tidal sand<br />

blanket, locating food-rich patches<br />

within a buried mud layer, of mining<br />

lthe patches (while simultaneouly avoiding<br />

adjacent burrowers in manycases),<br />

and backfilling its burrow system as it<br />

either shifted position for more mining<br />

activity or withdrew from the area. The<br />

pattern does not necessarily record the<br />

activities of hundreds of endobenthic<br />

animals in a small space, but instead<br />

could reflect a burst of activity by a<br />

small population exploiting the food-<br />


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