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pidiformes and Pteraspidiformes) is analyzed.<br />

Cyathaspids appeared in the Silurian<br />

and achieved the peak of diversity<br />

in the first half of the Early Devonian<br />

(Lochkovian Stage and its analogues), as<br />

did pteraspids. Cyathaspids are absent<br />

from later beds. Pteraspids persisted to<br />

the end of the Early Devonian, although<br />

they sharply decreased in number in the<br />

second half of the Early Devonian<br />

(Pragian Stage and its analogues in<br />

Europe and America). Adaptive features<br />

of cyathaspids and pteraspids are considered.<br />

Some data on accompanying<br />

groups are discussed. It is proposed that<br />

these heterostracan orders became extinct<br />

mostly because of archaic locomotor<br />

adaptations and insufficient protection<br />

from predators. The insufficient<br />

protection primarily concerns juvenile<br />

cyathaspids. Cyathaspid and pteraspid<br />

genera included in the diagrams of<br />

changes in taxonomic diversity are listed.<br />

2010010422<br />

俄 罗 斯 欧 洲 部 分 晚 二 叠 世<br />

Discordichthyiformes = Late Permian<br />

Discordichthyiformes (Osteichthyes)<br />

from European Russia. ( 英 文 ). Minikh<br />

A V. Paleontological Journal, 2006,<br />

40(5): 564-571 3 图 版 .<br />

New Late Permian fishes combining<br />

features characteristic of several classes<br />

are analyzed and redescribed. They were<br />

assigned to the family Discordichthyidae<br />

of the order Discordichthyiformes comprising<br />

three genera and four species:<br />

Mutovinia stella Minich, Geryonichthys<br />

longus A. Minich, G. burchardi A.<br />

Minich, and Discordichthys spinifer A.<br />

Minich (Minikh, 1998). A new species,<br />

Mutovinia sennikovi sp. nov., is described.<br />

Due to rapid evolutionary replacement,<br />

discordichthyids are rather<br />

useful stratigraphically. The photographs<br />

of the skeleton and membrane<br />

bones of these fishes are published for<br />

the first time.<br />

2010010423<br />

“ 泥 泞 ” 中 的 四 足 动 物 起 源 = Muddy<br />

tetrapod origins. ( 英 文 ). Janvier P; Clément<br />

G. Nature, 2009, 463(7277): 40-41<br />

The tracks left by organisms are<br />

among the most difficult of fossils to<br />

interpret. But just such evidence puts<br />

debate about the origins of four-limbed<br />

vertebrates (which include ourselves) on<br />

a changed footing<br />

2010010424<br />

Rhipidistians 的 舌 鳃 骨 骨 骼 和 下 鳃 肌<br />

= Hyobranchial skeleton and hypobranchial<br />

muscles of rhipidistians. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Kanyukin A A. Paleontological Journal,<br />

2006, 40(3): 297-311 9 图 版 .<br />

The hyobranchial skeleton of the<br />

porolepiform rhipidistian Laccognathus<br />

panderi Gross is described. The double<br />

composition of the ceratohyal in crossopterygians<br />

is proposed. The urohyal of<br />

porolepiforms, like that of Latimeria,<br />

consists of cartilaginous axial and membranous<br />

peripheral portions. The differences<br />

between porolepiforms and osteolepiforms<br />

in the structure of the hyobranchial<br />

skeleton, particularly, in the<br />

shape of the urohyal are attributable to<br />

different arrangements of the hypobranchial<br />

muscles. Porolepiforms and coelacanths<br />

have retained the coracomandibularis<br />

muscle inherited from early gnathostomes,<br />

whereas the same muscle of<br />

osteolepiforms was transformed into the<br />

geniohyoideus muscle. This transformation<br />

is accounted for by functional<br />

changes in the hyobranchial apparatus.<br />

2010010425<br />

拉 脱 维 亚 泥 盆 纪 Laccognathus 一 新<br />

种 = A new species of Laccognathus<br />

(Porolepiform Crossopterygii) from the<br />

Devonian of Latvia. ( 英 文 ). Vorobyeva<br />

E I. Paleontological Journal, 2006,<br />

40(3): 312-322 8 图 版 .<br />

A new species of the genus Laccognathus,<br />

L. grossi sp. nov., from the upper<br />

strata of the Gauja Formation of the<br />


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