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sional surfaces were used to define depositional<br />

sequences and systems tracts.<br />

We identified two main transgressive<br />

cycles in the lower and middle-upper<br />

Cenomanian separated by a major regression<br />

at the early-middle Cenomanian<br />

transition (sequence boundary Ce 3).<br />

This regressive interval is characterized<br />

by lagoonal low-stand deposits indicating<br />

an overall sealevel fall of more than<br />

30 m. Superimposed on the two main<br />

transgressive cycles, there are 11 thirdorder<br />

depositional sequences that correlate<br />

to globally recognized sealevel fluctuations<br />

and appear to be paced by long<br />

eccentricity variations (400 Ka period).<br />

Positive carbon isotope excursions in the<br />

middle Cenomanian (96.0 Ma) and latest<br />

Cenomanian (94.0 Ma) following<br />

sealevel lowstands together with planktonic<br />

foraminiferal and ammonite datums<br />

provide a robust framework for<br />

stratigraphic correlation. We suggest that<br />

the onset of these excursions was triggered<br />

by eccentricity minima during periods<br />

of low variability in obliquity<br />

(nodes), which probably coincided with<br />

glacioeustatic lowstands.<br />

2010010567<br />

西 藏 日 喀 则 恰 布 林 地 区 晚 白 垩 世 和 新<br />

生 代 相 关 碰 撞 砾 岩 的 孢 粉 地 层 及 其 古<br />

环 境 发 育 的 意 义 = Palynological stratigraphy<br />

of the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic<br />

collision-related conglomerates<br />

at Qiabulin, Xigaze, Xizang (Tibet) and<br />

its bearing on palaeoenvironmental development.<br />

( 英 文 ). Li Jian-guo ;Guo<br />

Zhen-yu; Batten D J;Cai Hua-wei;Zhang<br />

Yi-yong;Li Jian-guo; Guo Zhen-yu;.<br />

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2010,<br />

38(3-4): 86-95<br />

The stratigraphy, age, depositional<br />

environment and correlation of the collision-related<br />

variegated sandstone and<br />

conglomerate beds exposed along the<br />

southern side of the Gangdise Mountains<br />

to the north of the Yarlung Zangbo suture<br />

in the Xigaze region, Xizang (Tibet)<br />

have been much debated. Generally referred<br />

to as the Dagzhuka Formation,<br />

these beds of great thickness have, until<br />

recently, not been reported to contain<br />

any convincing fossils. Two distinctly<br />

different palynological assemblages, indicating<br />

Late Cretaceous and Oligocene–Early<br />

Miocene ages respectively,<br />

have now been recovered from<br />

lithologically distinguishable units of the<br />

sedimentary succession at Qiabulin to<br />

the west of the town of Xigaze. This<br />

means that instead of one stratigraphic<br />

unit, as has been generally accepted<br />

hitherto, at least two are represented. As<br />

a result, the Dagzhuga Formation is considered<br />

here to refer only to the Cenozoic<br />

deposits and the Qiabulin Formation,<br />

previously regarded as a synonym,<br />

is resurrected to accommodate the Cretaceous<br />

beds. These two formations<br />

were juxtaposed by tectonic movements.<br />

Our finding indicates that the stratigraphic<br />

successions on the southern<br />

Laurasian continental margin of Xizang<br />

reflect changes from a deep forearc basin<br />

through shallow littoral environments<br />

to a mountainous landscape during<br />

the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic.<br />

This interpretation compares well<br />

with those documented from the Gamba<br />

and Tingri districts to the south of the<br />

Yarlung Zangbo suture.<br />

2010010568<br />

云 南 罗 平 中 三 叠 世 大 凹 子 剖 面 牙 形 石<br />

生 物 地 层 及 其 沉 积 环 境 研 究 = Conodonts<br />

stratigraphy and sedimentary environment<br />

of the Middle Triassic at<br />

Daaozi section of Luoping County ,<br />

Yunnan Province,south China. ( 中 文 ).<br />

黄 金 元 ; 张 克 信 ; 张 启 跃 ; 吕 涛 ; 周 长 勇 ; 白<br />

建 科 . 微 体 古 生 物 学 报 , 2009, 26(3):<br />

211-224 3 图 版 .<br />

罗 平 生 物 群 产 出 于 关 岭 组 二 段 , 该 段<br />

大 凹 子 精 细 剖 面 细 致 的 沉 积 学 描 述 记<br />

录 显 示 , 剖 面 岩 性 变 化 趋 势 为 : 从 生 物<br />

扰 动 灰 岩 到 含 硅 质 结 核 的 条 带 泥 晶 灰<br />

岩 ( 钙 屑 浊 积 岩 ) 向 白 云 岩 演 化 。 剖 面<br />

详 细 的 牙 形 石 生 物 地 层 研 究 表 明 ,<br />


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