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biologia - Studia


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A. KONTER<br />

Berthoud G. 1963. Observations sur une colonie de Grèbes huppés près d’Yverdon. Nos<br />

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Blinov V. N., Koshelev A.I., Yanovskiy A. P. 1981. [Structure of colonies, breeding success<br />

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Nauka Publishers, Novosibirsk: 30-48.<br />

Bukacińska M., Bukaciński D., Jabłonski P. 1993. Colonial and Noncolonial Great Crested<br />

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and Egg Biometry. Colonial Waterbirds 16: 111-119.<br />

Dittberner W. 1996. Die Vogelwelt der Uckermark. Verlag Erich Hoyer, Galenbeck.<br />

Fjeldså J. 2004. The Grebes. Oxford University Press.<br />

Goc M. 1986. Colonial versus territorial breeding of the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps<br />

cristatus on Lake Druzno. Acta Ornithol. 22: 95-145.<br />

Henriksen K. 1992. Nesting ecology and production of young in the Great Crested Grebe<br />

Podiceps cristatus in a hypereutrophic Danish lake. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings<br />

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Henriksen K. 1995. Intraclutch variation in egg volume of Great Crested Grebes. Condor 97:<br />

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Henriksen K. 1996. [Intraspecic nest parasitism in the Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus].<br />

Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 90: 36-37.<br />

Illicev V. D., Flint V. E. 1985. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjetunion Band 1. Aula Verlag,<br />

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Konter A. 2001. Grebes of our world. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.<br />

Konter A. 2005. Annual Building-up of Great Crested Grebe Colonies: An Example from the<br />

Dutch IJsselmeer. Waterbirds 28: 351-358.<br />

Konter A. 2007. Response of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus to storm damage of<br />

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Koshelev A.I. 1977. [Colonial nesting habits of the Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus L.)<br />

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Koshelev A.I., Chernichko I. I. 1985. [Ecological factors determining the nesting type of the<br />

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Leys H. N., Marbus J., de Wilde J.J.F.E. 1969. [Observations in a colony of Great Crested<br />

Grebes (Podiceps cristatus L.) in Eastern Flevoland]. De Levende Natuur 72: 97-141.<br />

Lyon B. E., Everding S. 1996. High frequency of conspecific brood parasitism in a colonial<br />

waterbird, the Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis. Journal of Avian Biology 27: 238-244.<br />

Mayr C. 1986. Häufigkeit, Voraussetzungen und Ursachen von Mehrfachbruten des<br />

Haubentauchers (Podiceps cristatus). Charadrius 22: 55-68.<br />

Melde M. 1973. Der Haubentaucher - Die Neue Brehm Bücherei, A.Ziemsen Verlag,<br />

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