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Recommends for Novelty<br />

"•oti-rHonf W<strong>im</strong>cn nnd Donee Holl Giris"<br />

rwo stofes n^hfs ptetures, rei«os«d as o<br />

ere<br />

c'!^^;. whick we picked up and mode bc H gt<br />

rlian o»ef09€ praHf with It icc«s tlMt tfcil it<br />

vikot o«r pwblic woats. TK««e co«M b« iliovv<br />

•wyiilKic- We —ed «oee l&c Hiis that every-<br />

Hspkiwak, Kf.<br />



Foee at Fire -- — Zr-e-?-i M.tctiell, James<br />

,s.— -,j ... - . ^.^., hr>« to go to<br />

-=-^-t^' ': ~:- vec '<br />

e Reeves,<br />

"^ : - :" :--c= Crr*:- A 'tot berref t+ion "Sign<br />

~-. -- ;- :-• E-:^.;- s; d —Harold Bell. Opera<br />

- :->i ;:;•;:;. ;_e =.-3 6,3S2-<br />


Toby Ty'er =v"—Kev n Corcoran, Henry CoMn,<br />

^'^ ^hom bring mem m as welt as<br />

555.<br />

-<br />

:r "Otd YeUer." A vety cute pwrture.<br />

: ; rao many days and tenns too stiff.<br />

-^ic^ Mon. Weoltwr: Rainy ond cooL<br />

^. 5ncc s Triecrtre. Shoals, Ind. PoQ.<br />


I<br />

1001 Arafaioa NigMs C&;?—An<strong>im</strong>ated feoTure.<br />

':r^Sr -as - ra»n campotgrang when we<br />

s 5C - f.^ooed o: the<br />

-<br />

boxoffice. OoUited<br />

-*<br />

_: rarv-aines to very poor gross.<br />

iNearher Ovily.—G. J. Thomas.<br />

"neo--e Fovetrev lie, W. Vo. Pop. 2,000.<br />

o"d Bess<br />

'—<br />

:Coi)^S«jney Poitier, Dorothy<br />

Dovts Pearl Bailey. Well, r jr.. I've<br />

•3- 1*i«s year. I subiected my long-<br />

-s to seven days of "culture." Boy,<br />

- ng they are not interested in. rfs<br />

Q doubt, itw is itie biggest flop<br />

.-rs in ttvs town. I would enioy it<br />

in else's theatre, but<br />

:::w iT someone<br />

-.g<br />

:—e<br />

one caused me to<br />

Froser, Auditoriian<br />

rook<br />

o*<br />

on this<br />

—j.m r<br />

-^. V Poo. 'n 12300.<br />

= -= rtt Save Girt Co;';—Georges Mar-<br />

---v=e Ettore Marmi. If your<br />

' :xrr on plus bloody killings,<br />

.-c me p; C-c- '• 5 'yz^ or<br />

this ^^T^e of yecr r-s-css or.e o.e-oce -> co o'.<br />

Very good. olTtKkj^ rc.e:: re ' z~^'' Sw Vo-.<br />

Tues. WeoTtier. \'. o-^ — Leo Backer \ o e^ ~r>eotre,<br />

Pauls Valle>, M:r\n. Pop. 1,117.<br />

Rookie, T*e ,20th-Fox)—Tommy Noonon, Pete<br />

Morsholl, Julie IMewmor. Fox sure missed the bus<br />

with this one. We hod wolkouts otkI thot is very<br />

rare here. If its too corny for our patrons, ifs<br />

CORNY. Ployed Sot., Sun., Mon. Weother. Dry ond<br />

Hct.—Carl P. Anderfco, Rainbow Theofre, Costroville.<br />

Tex. Pop. 1.500.<br />

Woke Me When Ifs Over !20th-Fox)—errwe Kovacs,<br />

.v.argo Voore, Jock Warden, Dick Shown.<br />

Th.-s was o d.soppcintment to me ond the people<br />

««+>o support me. Very flot picture. We iKCre expecting<br />

o fiikarious comedy ond we sow o good sHow,<br />

but short on laughs. Moybe I proised it too high,<br />

becouse offer ttie first night business started to<br />

si 3e- Ployed Thurs., through Tues.—J<strong>im</strong> Froser,<br />

Aijd.ranum Theatre, Red Wing. Minn. Pop. 12300.<br />

Whe« OxMdy Was Kiag (20tt>-Fox)—Compilotion<br />

of comedy classics. And comedy still could be king<br />

if given o chcmce. Worthy of good ploy dote. At<br />

least, it's better tfxm tfiose fKxror thkigs they try<br />

to sell us. Played Wed. ttirough Sot. Weottier: Ideal.<br />

—HorokJ Be" Dpe-o House. Cooricook, Que. Pop.<br />

6J82.<br />


Horse's Moiitli, The UA — Alec Gjinness, Kay<br />

Walsh. Robert Coore. Or,\ recomn^erxjed for Trie<br />

ort houses. We nc^e enougn rcffee rvjses ;Nob HI 1<br />

patrons in your co_fnr^ ' *vove made its run profitobie.<br />

It was grcrx: t^-. i*otc- ryg t^e r feces ct the<br />

end of ttie shows . . rr-.osT or ttiem ociijQnt tfte<br />

show fiad something to do with rcc.ng. D-d thev<br />

look puzzled!—Dove 5. Klein, Astro Theatre, Kitwe<br />

NkoTKi, Northern Rhodesia, Afnco. Pop. 13.000.<br />

On the Beodi (UA)—Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner,<br />

Fred Astoire. Don't expect too much. Will get by<br />

orxl thots oil. No extro seats will be dusted on<br />

tt«s one. Ployed Surt, Mon., Tues. Weother. Worm.<br />

—Leo Bocker, Volley Theatre. Browns Volley, Minn.<br />

Pop. 1,117.<br />

Pier S Hmioae (UA)—Comeron Mitchell, Allison<br />

Hayes. Played on triple bill to smoll business.<br />

Booked wrth top-rated picture it wouW serve its<br />

purpose. Ployed Wed. through Sat. Weather: Ideal.<br />

—Horo'd SeM, Opera House, Cooticook, Que. Pop.<br />

6 382.<br />


Restless Yeors, The L'-l —Jo"n Scxoo. Sondra Dee.<br />

Luorva =a"e-. Srt too bod- D'ew o.e-age crowds,<br />

coupiea witn Torzon s Greatest Adventure (Para).<br />

Pkjyed Wed., Thurs., Fri. Weather: Good.—Arlen<br />

W. Peohl, HiWoy Theatre, Shendon, Ore. Pop.<br />

2,000.<br />

TUs Eoftk Is MiM 'V-D—Rock Hudson, Jean S<strong>im</strong>mons,<br />

Darothy McGuiie. Claude Roins. A very good<br />

picture or>d o gaod story, in color too. Everyone<br />

entoyed this stxnr very muct> ond we were glod ttxjt<br />

we played ttus one. Business was better ttxv> usual,<br />

so we were glod about ttiot. Don't be ofroid of ttm<br />

one.—Hony Howkinson. Orpheum Theotre, Marietta,<br />

w.nn Pop. 280.<br />


Eig Sky. The 5K3-Sn '» ssje —Kirk Douglas,<br />

Dewey Martin. E zobe-n ~nreott. We needed o<br />

Stxidoy pKtive so we put rr- s one in. Only did fair<br />

business on on exce' err* p r'j'e, first released in<br />

195Z Excellent oct ng on tnc port of Kirk Douglas.<br />

Played Sun., Men., Tues. Weottier; Very chilly.<br />

G. J. Thomas, Fayette Theotre. Foyetteville, W. Vo.<br />

Poo 2 000 'Editors note- This picture hos been<br />

Ideal Midnight Fare<br />

Ployed "The Ghost of Drogsthp Hollow" AlP<br />

on o Scturdoy midnight show to biggest gross<br />

of any pxtvre at o midnight show ond it otftgr^ssed<br />

some of the so-colled big specials thot<br />

ployed rwQ and three doys. ideol for this<br />

change It is a notMrol. Buy it ond ploy it.<br />

Liberty Thcstre.<br />

Cornegie. Oklo.<br />





The Big Chief F J'|fi»- /*2 l-<br />

Continental 98 Minutes ReL lune '60<br />

Fernandel, the rubber-faced veteran French<br />

comic whose appearances in several Englishspeaking<br />

roles and m a score oi French <strong>im</strong>ports<br />

have given h<strong>im</strong> considerable marquee<br />

draw in the U. S.. is given a race for histrionic<br />

honors by a mischievous six-year-old<br />

named Popoui in this laugh-iilled Frenchlanguage<br />

film. Based on O. Henry's iomous<br />

short ta^e. "Tfte Ransom o! Red Chi^."<br />

(filmed as part of 'O. Henry's Full House" by<br />

20th-Foi in 1952). the adaptation by Henri<br />

Vemeuil. Henri Troyat and Jean Manse is<br />

often hilarious although the humor wears<br />

thin long beiore the ironic finale. But Verneuil.<br />

Turho also directed, gets his best ht<strong>im</strong>or<br />

out of the visual gags, as rwo kidnappers are<br />

plagued into desperation by the "little monster"<br />

they captured while he was wearing a<br />

feathered Indian head-dress (hence the title) .<br />

T^wo of the funniest scenes sho'w Femandel<br />

accidentally falling do^wn six flights o: stairs.<br />

another the other kidnapper. Gino Cervi.<br />

-waking in the morning with his hair scalped<br />

off- Although Fern-andel and the natural little<br />

Papouf ran crway with the picture. Cervi. -who<br />

has starred in many Italian iUms. is eiceller'<br />

as the "brains" of the kidnapping team. A<br />

F.-on co-London Film ^xoduced by Ralph<br />

Baum.<br />

Femandel, Gino Cervi. Popoui, Noelle<br />

Norman. George Chamorat.<br />


The Hound Thcrt Thought ^'o-

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