Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...

Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...

Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...


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.Been. y,.,.<br />

. . .<br />

L Gaeral cleanap .round Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> dam .nd Ia and around Salmon<br />

~ BuerYoir. . ' . . • .<br />

J. lea .. dowutream face of 1a1l .. 08 C .... k d ....<br />

I. Replacement of sapports <strong>for</strong> 8almon <strong>Creek</strong> penstock No. L<br />

4. IDltl.Uoa ot tile rehabilitation ot <strong>the</strong> 8almon <strong>Creek</strong> laml.<br />

I. CoatillaatloA. of <strong>the</strong> prolram tor thl ... palr and modUlcatio. ot lIa­<br />

-entin, equipmeDt.<br />

'2'~fnI Year<br />

'.<br />

L Drlll and &Tout Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> dam.<br />

2. Repair aaddle dame at Upper <strong>Annex</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> Lake.<br />

a. Replacement ot supports <strong>for</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> penstock No. L<br />

4. Continuation of <strong>the</strong> reh.bllltation of <strong>the</strong> S.lmon <strong>Creek</strong> 8ume.<br />

G. Clean and paint "alves of outlet at <strong>Annex</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> dam. .<br />

.. Qontlauatlon of <strong>the</strong> procram <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> repair and modlflcatlon<br />

-eratlnl equlp~ent.<br />

101111" Y IGr<br />

L GUDlte and waterproof upstream face ot Salmoa <strong>Creek</strong> dam.<br />

2. CoDtlnuation ot <strong>the</strong> rehabl11tatlon ot <strong>the</strong> Sahuon <strong>Creek</strong> 8ume •.<br />

- a. Check <strong>the</strong> plate thickness ot "all penstocks. .';. '1,<br />

1'1'~ Year<br />

L Bepalr tailrace concrete at <strong>Annex</strong> <strong>Creek</strong> power plant. , ........<br />

2. Completion ot <strong>the</strong> rehablUtation of <strong>the</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> 8ume. " .',_ ..<br />

Arlkl. 36. <strong>License</strong>e sball maintain <strong>the</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> reservoir at a 'le,ei<br />

'Dot creater than ele'fatlon 1.140 feet Until such time as <strong>the</strong> repairs and modi­<br />

Jlcatlou to <strong>the</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> Arch dam are completed .nd approved b, <strong>the</strong><br />

Commtuton. . . . '. . .. ,:r<br />

. Ar1kle 37. <strong>License</strong>e shall submit a seml·annual report ahowlnl <strong>the</strong> pro,-<br />

ft8I of CQostructlon pertormed pursuant to Article 35. . .. 1~<br />

Article 38. . <strong>License</strong>e shall prior to commencenlent ot concrete repal~' • .ui<br />

,II'OUtJDC ot <strong>the</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong> dam as outlined III ArUclo 35 above, submit<br />

-detailed plans aDd speclflcatlons <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>se rel)alra. tOle<strong>the</strong>r \\'Ith plans <strong>for</strong><br />

lowerlnc <strong>the</strong> reservoir level durinc Iroutlnc operations.. ,. ',' '," ,.;-<br />

:' Article 39. The <strong>License</strong>e shall make provisions at <strong>the</strong> Salmon <strong>Creek</strong>' dalD~' !".,<br />

10r measuremeDt ot <strong>the</strong> deflection ot <strong>the</strong> Cl'own ot <strong>the</strong> dam .t Its .crest; ~ -.;g .<br />

.IDJte mODthly. readings ot <strong>the</strong>measurement8 toce<strong>the</strong>r with a1multaneoDl'~~"::<br />

.readinp of <strong>the</strong> water surface elevation and "'ater and air, temperatures..<br />

<strong>License</strong>e shall also submit an annual report of such mea,ureUlents and·<br />

with respect to <strong>the</strong> condition ut <strong>the</strong> repair. a8 IJrescr}bed In ArUc" 35 •. ,!.,\,)<br />

ArUclc to. No lease ot <strong>the</strong> project or an, pa.rt <strong>the</strong>reot whereb, <strong>the</strong> l~<br />

Is craDted tbe OCCUpaDCJ', J)()88eSSIOD, or use of <strong>the</strong> project works, 01' .UT pate<br />

lDII top<strong>the</strong>r with a report on <strong>the</strong> overall condition ot <strong>the</strong> dam, partlC1lla.rl.r<br />

<strong>the</strong>reof. shaU be m'1(le without prlor written apIJrova.l ot <strong>the</strong> CollDm.lultoD~;:<br />

aDd tbe Commission lOa,. It In Its judgment <strong>the</strong> situation warrants.<br />

that all tbe l"ODdltloJ1s ot tbe license. ot <strong>the</strong> Act, and ot <strong>the</strong> ruleS and<br />

. latlons ot <strong>the</strong> CommlRt;lon shall be apPUt'ahle to suc:li propertJ BO .<br />

<strong>the</strong> .. me extent as It <strong>the</strong> lessee were <strong>the</strong>, LlcenN'e: Provided. that <strong>the</strong><br />

11011 of this arUcle ahnll nnt appl.r to lr31CS

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