Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...

Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...

Before the FERC Application for New License for the Annex Creek ...


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106:1004 STATE WATER LAWS<br />

The water qualitv criteria, when used in combination with <strong>the</strong> wlter UM designation, constitute <strong>the</strong> Mttlr qu.llty standard<br />

<strong>for</strong> I particulDr wat ... body. The wet ... qUllity IUnd ... ds ,egul.te """~ •• 11.,.tloM to lhe ... ten of <strong>the</strong> state.<br />

.4'<br />

TUR810ny<br />

1....,1 ..,.,..c ..... 'Of gfoumt.I .. III<br />

(51<br />


II.<br />


S" .. II 1101 .u~flI 5 N TU .. bo"" ,. .. tu," COft<br />

dillon ...... n lhe nttu," tu,btdit., " 50 NTU<br />

or 'en. and nol ".... _e lhan 10% .ftC, ....<br />

,n lu,htd,Iy .. h.n Ihe nal'.... condil,Oft "<br />

mo,,· Ihan 50 NTU. nOl 10 "cM I malllmum<br />

'M'IIIMe 01 25 NTU<br />

ShaH not CIIUI. de'mnemal ""KI. _<br />

1IIf!.<br />

,ndlcated<br />

Sh .. ' nol .ac .. d JO- C.<br />

TDS ..... Ret ••..., 1.000 """. Sod ..............<br />

lion rllio I.- thIIIII 2.5. IodIum ..."*'.... ....<br />

..... 1II'l'. r ..... cwboMte I ..... US """ •<br />

......... ..,. ..... 0.3....". , ... No .. 11.<br />

SWI not .,.cud 2S NTU ... ,.atu," c_<br />

d,tton .,,_ttl. For "I hlk. walllH ...., nol ••.<br />

cud S NTU 0"" natUfai cOfld.tion'&.<br />

Tot ........ lCIIids tit ......... ceed , _i-<br />

_ .. 1,500 ..... iftctudi,. ......... cOIIIIIitioM.<br />

____ I ........ TOS of •• 1M<br />

ftOC<br />

..... ,.ceed ,.. CONIttiolt _third of 0' .. <strong>the</strong><br />

.... , ......<br />

For .., otMr w,tt,.. thl _II·<br />

Iy ....,. lemperttUft lhail<br />

nOl uceed IiI. lpecilic ft·<br />

'IV,,_I. needed to .".<br />

w,., _mal spec;" 4 ...,·<br />

lily or I., p, ... nl apPNt·<br />

anet 0' nu"trIC' orl)lfti1ml.<br />

Shill nol ",,,se .I"m!!nl.1 etfKIt Oft elt.Jb.<br />

",hed wate, supply tr.al",.nt letlh.<br />

$h»1 not .wCftCl2S·C.<br />

No _II ...... natural coflllhtiont .... icb ClIft<br />

c-. CGn'OIion. lICIIIiftI. or procft. probl .... .<br />

:'~!!ns"::...'n'Cl::: !I::~UIU~:;~ ~:u~~ ~ Shall not .aCftCl lO·C.<br />

or Ie... and nol have mOt' Ih... 10% "'"'_<br />

In lu,bldlty when me nal"," cOftdil'Oft il _<br />

than SO NTU. nol I. uCHd I ",.. imum incr.Me<br />

of 1S NTU. Shall not .aCted S NTU<br />

_. n .. I".al COttdltlOM '0' "llaII,•• Itrl.<br />

Nol appIiaIIt •.<br />

Shal' nOl .. ~td 10 N·TU 0.'" n.IlI,aI _.<br />

• IIonl ... h~n n.I..... "lfbtdlly II 50 NTU or NOl ..... ic.bIe<br />

..... .nd nol h... more I"an 2O'lL lnere_<br />

,n lu.b.dlly ..... n Ihe .... I",aI CondItl_ il more<br />

th .... SO NTU. nol 10 e.CHd a m ...",,,,,, in,<br />

c, ...." of 50 NTU FOt allla" wa"'" lu.btdtly<br />

"'ai, nol .. cNd 5 NTU ..,r natu," cortd,<br />

bon,<br />

Not .... 1C4Ibi •.<br />

Shall not ncerd 25 NTU above .... 1.1, .. COft·<br />

• I'Oft ,... et Fo. aI' .... w ...,., 1...- nol raceed<br />

'N ru ."., natu.aI COftd.I.ortt.<br />

Shall nol •• cad 'lff C at any<br />

tim.. 1he follow ... ma.lmum<br />

..",pe,atuft ,".. I not be , •.<br />

cetded. wher. applicabl.:<br />

Mi"al.on 'OU...: 1S" C<br />

Sp.wn ......,":<br />

13- C<br />

R •."",_: 15 »C<br />

!:.:.:.:.. 13' C<br />

For all 0 ....' walt". th,_"·<br />

Iy Me,. "mperatur, thall<br />

nOI e.ceed lile lpecific ...<br />

qui,,,,,,.,." needed to pr.<br />

....... _mal Ipte... di"tr·<br />

sit 'I 0' to ","tnt appe ...<br />

.....,._.<br />

_, 0' nui~'<br />

Tot.. dillClhtd .ohds .... nol •• cad • ""aim_<br />

of 1.500 """ iftdudiftg natur .. COIId,, ___ I" •<br />

ct._ 4n TDS Ih.tII not .acad _third ......<br />

c_tnt,ation o' th' M ..,aI condirion .. ...<br />

.....,o.w .....<br />

Environment Reporter 180

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