Part II.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part II.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part II.pdf - MTB-MLE Network


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No. Country Name Position, Organization Address Tel/Fax E-mail<br />

15 Ms. Estrella C. Tuazon Non-formal Education, Department of Education, T.: 63-47-237-5222 bnfe@i-next.net<br />

Education Supervisor I, Region <strong>II</strong>I, Division of Bataan, F.: 63-47-791-7004<br />

Division of Bataan, Region <strong>II</strong>I, Balanga City<br />

Bureau of Non-formal Education<br />

16 THAILAND Dr. Wisanee Siltragool Office of the Non-formal Ministry of Education, T.: 66-2 282 2853 wisanee44@yahoo.com<br />

Education Commission Bangkok 10300 F.: 66-2 281 3732<br />

17 Dr. Suchin Constructionism Lab, Amphur Muang Lampang 52100 T.: 66-54 224862 suchin_p@hotmail.com<br />

Petcharugsa Northern Regional NFE Centre F.: 66-54 221127<br />

18 VIET NAM Mr. Tran Quoc Chan Head of EFA Secretariat, Ministry of Education and F.: 84-4 863724 tqchan@moet.gov.vn;<br />

Continuing Education Training, 49 Dai Co Viet, Hanoi F.: 84-4 8694085 chan_tq@yahoo.com<br />

Development<br />

19 Mr. Mong Ky Slay Vice Director, ditto T.: 84-4 9873504 slay@yahoo.com<br />

Centre for Ethnic Minority F.: 84-4 8694085<br />

Education<br />

20 Ms. Yayoi Programme Specialist, 23 Cao Ba Quat, Hanoi T.: 84-4 747 0275, y.segi-<br />

Segi-Vltcheck UNESCO Hanoi 747 0276 vltrchek@unesco.org.vn<br />

(17-18 May only) F.: 84-4 747 0274<br />

Resource Persons<br />

21 Ms. Anne Thomas Consultant for Education and P.O. Box 612, Phnom penh, T.: 855-75-974029 athomas@camintel.com;<br />

Community Development Cambodia Mobile: 855-12-652141 annescanteam@yahoo.com<br />

22 Ms. Catherine Young Literacy/Education Consultant, P.O. Box 2270 CPO T.: 63-2-722-6166 Catherine_Young@sil.org<br />

SIL International (Asia) 1099 Manila, Philippines Mobile: 63-916-489-<br />

0185<br />

F.: 63-2-726-2012<br />


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