GSK Annual Report 2002

GSK Annual Report 2002

GSK Annual Report 2002


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2 Accounting policies<br />

Consolidation<br />

The consolidated Financial statements include:<br />

• the assets and liabilities, and the results and cash flow, of the<br />

company and its subsidiary undertakings, including Employee<br />

Share Ownership Trusts (ESOTs)<br />

• the Group’s share of the net assets and results of joint ventures<br />

and associated undertakings.<br />

The Financial statements of undertakings consolidated are made<br />

up to 31st December.<br />

Undertakings in which the Group has a material interest are<br />

accounted for as subsidiaries where the Group exercises dominant<br />

influence, as joint ventures where the Group exercises joint control<br />

and as associates where the Group can exercise significant<br />

influence. ESOTs are accounted for as subsidiaries on the grounds<br />

that the Group has de facto control.<br />

Interests acquired in undertakings are consolidated from the<br />

effective date of acquisition and interests sold are consolidated<br />

up to the date of disposal.<br />

Transactions and balances between subsidiary undertakings are<br />

eliminated; no profit is taken on sales between subsidiary<br />

undertakings or sales to joint ventures and associated undertakings<br />

until the products are sold to customers outside the Group.<br />

Goodwill arising on the acquisition of interests in subsidiary<br />

undertakings, joint ventures and associated undertakings,<br />

representing the excess of the purchase consideration over the<br />

Group’s share of the separable net assets acquired, is capitalised<br />

as a separate item in the case of subsidiary undertakings and as<br />

part of the cost of investment in the case of joint ventures and<br />

associated undertakings. Goodwill is denominated in the currency<br />

in which the acquisition is made and financed. In the case of<br />

acquisitions prior to 1998, goodwill was written off against<br />

reserves; on a subsequent disposal of assets from such acquisitions,<br />

any related goodwill is removed from consolidated reserves and<br />

charged to the consolidated profit and loss account.<br />

The Group’s interests in its joint ventures are accounted for using<br />

the gross equity method. The Group’s interests in its associated<br />

undertakings are accounted for using the equity method.<br />

Deferred taxation relief on unrealised intra-Group profit is<br />

accounted for only to the extent that it is considered recoverable.<br />

Assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiary and associated<br />

undertakings and joint ventures including related goodwill, are<br />

translated into sterling at rates of exchange ruling at the balance<br />

sheet date. The results and cash flows of overseas subsidiary and<br />

associated undertakings and joint ventures are translated into<br />

sterling using average rates of exchange. Exchange adjustments<br />

arising when the opening net assets and the profits for the year<br />

retained by overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and<br />

joint ventures are translated into sterling, less exchange differences<br />

arising on related foreign currency borrowings, are taken directly<br />

to reserves and reported in the statement of total recognised<br />

gains and losses.<br />

In translating into sterling, assets, liabilities, results and cash flows<br />

of overseas subsidiary and associated undertakings and joint ventures<br />

reported in currencies of hyper-inflationary economies, adjustments<br />

are made to reflect current price levels. Any loss on net monetary<br />

assets is charged to the consolidated profit and loss account.<br />

Notes to the financial statements GlaxoSmithKline 83<br />

Foreign currency transactions<br />

Foreign currency transactions by Group companies are booked<br />

in local currency at the exchange rate ruling on the date of<br />

transaction, or at the forward rate if hedged by a forward<br />

exchange contract. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are<br />

translated into local currency at rates of exchange ruling at the<br />

balance sheet date, or at the forward rate. Exchange differences<br />

are included in trading profit.<br />

Revenue<br />

Revenue is recognised in the profit and loss account when goods<br />

or services are supplied to external customers against orders<br />

received. Turnover represents the net invoice value, after the<br />

deduction of discounts given at the point of sale, of products<br />

despatched to, or available for collection by, customers, less<br />

accruals for estimated future rebates and returns. Value added tax<br />

and other sales taxes are excluded from revenue.<br />

Expenditure<br />

Expenditure is recognised in respect of goods and services received<br />

when supplied in accordance with contractual terms. Provision is<br />

made when an obligation exists for a future liability in respect of a<br />

past event and where the amount of the obligation can be reliably<br />

estimated. Advertising expenditure is charged to the profit and loss<br />

account as incurred. Shipment costs on inter-company transfers are<br />

charged to cost of sales; distribution costs on sales to customers are<br />

included in selling, general and administrative expenditure.<br />

Restructuring costs are recognised in respect of the direct<br />

expenditures of a business reorganisation where the plans are<br />

sufficiently detailed and well advanced, and where appropriate<br />

communication to those affected has been undertaken at the<br />

balance sheet date.<br />

Research and development<br />

Research and development expenditure is charged to the profit<br />

and loss account in the period in which it is incurred. Tangible<br />

fixed assets used for research and development are depreciated in<br />

accordance with the Group’s policy.<br />

Environmental expenditure<br />

Environmental expenditure related to existing conditions resulting<br />

from past or current operations and from which no current or<br />

future benefit is discernible is charged to the profit and loss<br />

account. The Group determines its liability on a site-by-site basis<br />

and records a liability at the time when it is probable and can be<br />

reasonably estimated. This liability includes the Group’s own portion<br />

of the costs and also a portion of other potentially responsible<br />

parties’ costs when it is probable that they will not be able to satisfy<br />

their respective shares of the clean-up obligation. When recoveries<br />

of reimbursements are virtually certain they are recorded as assets.<br />

Legal and other disputes<br />

Provision is made for the anticipated settlement costs and legal and<br />

other expenses associated with claims received and legal and other<br />

disputes against the Group where a reasonable estimate can be<br />

made of the likely outcome of the dispute. No provision is made for<br />

unasserted claims or where an obligation exists under a dispute but<br />

it is not possible to make a reasonable estimate. Costs associated<br />

with claims made by the Group against third parties are charged to<br />

the profit and loss account as they are incurred.

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