An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

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CHAPTER 7<strong>IRRI</strong> today<strong>IRRI</strong>'s ma<strong>in</strong> objectives and purposes rema<strong>in</strong> essentially unchanged, but therehave been remarkable advances and growth dur<strong>in</strong>g roughly the past 10 years.Progress of such dimensions can merely be touched upon with<strong>in</strong> the limits ofa s<strong>in</strong>gle chapter and many important achievements have to be omitted. Yet itis appropriate to attempt here to reflect the structure, operations, and scope ofthe Institute today. Considered first are changes <strong>in</strong> staff organization, physicalplant, and f<strong>in</strong>ances, followed by brief reviews of certa<strong>in</strong> major researchactivities that have undergone significant alteration <strong>in</strong> size or focus s<strong>in</strong>ce<strong>IRRI</strong>'s first decade.STAFFAdm<strong>in</strong>istrationSome months after Nyle Brady became the director of <strong>IRRI</strong> <strong>in</strong> mid-1973, certa<strong>in</strong>changes <strong>in</strong> title were made <strong>in</strong> the adm<strong>in</strong>istrative staff. Athwal rema<strong>in</strong>edassociate director. Vega, whose previous title had been assistant director, wasnamed assistant director for tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, and Pathak was promoted from entomologistto assistant director of research. Salacup, previously treasurer andexecutive officer, was given the title of controller, and Hugh T. Murphy wasadded to the staff as assistant director for adm<strong>in</strong>istration, tak<strong>in</strong>g over theduties of the former executive officer.Those titles were reta<strong>in</strong>ed through 1975, when further changes took place.Brady assumed the title of director general, and Athwal of deputy directorgeneral. Vega became director, tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g; Pathak, director, research coord<strong>in</strong>ation;and Murphy, director, adm<strong>in</strong>istration. This system of titles, whichprovides additional rungs <strong>in</strong> the promotional ladder for the adm<strong>in</strong>istrativeteam, has become general throughout the network of <strong>in</strong>ternational agriculturalresearch organizations.Athwal resigned <strong>in</strong> 1977 (to jo<strong>in</strong> IADS, as <strong>in</strong>dicated earlier), and Vega waspromoted to deputy director general. A short time later, Dennis J. Greenlandwas hired as a second deputy director general. Pathak's title was alteredslightly to that of director, research and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g coord<strong>in</strong>ation.Brady's notably successful leadership of <strong>IRRI</strong> came to a close <strong>in</strong> May 1981,when he resigned to become a senior adm<strong>in</strong>istrator of the United StatesAgency for <strong>International</strong> Development (USAID) <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton and to headthat agency's Development Support Bureau. Brady was replaced <strong>in</strong> 1982 byM.S. Swam<strong>in</strong>athan.

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