An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

An adventure in applied science - IRRI books - International Rice ...

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<strong>IRRI</strong> today 177<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Stem Borer Nursery<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Observational Nursery (irrigated)<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Arid Region Observational Nursery<strong>International</strong> Upland <strong>Rice</strong> Observational Nursery<strong>International</strong> Ra<strong>in</strong>fed Lowland <strong>Rice</strong> Observational Nursery<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Deepwater Observational Nursery<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Sal<strong>in</strong>ity/Alkal<strong>in</strong>ity Tolerance Observational Nursery<strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Cold Tolerance Nursery<strong>An</strong> important part of IRTP are the monitor<strong>in</strong>g tours. <strong>International</strong> teamsmade up of national rice scientists, and <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g representatives from <strong>IRRI</strong>,travel at appropriate times to the IRTP nurseries to observe how they are be<strong>in</strong>gmanaged and which entries appear to be the best. Usually, about four suchteams are organized annually, each cover<strong>in</strong>g a different region.The IRTP unquestionably is one of <strong>IRRI</strong>’s most important activities, provid<strong>in</strong>gas it does the means of test<strong>in</strong>g the world's most promis<strong>in</strong>g rice germplasm<strong>in</strong> so many environments.The follow<strong>in</strong>g are a few examples of the IRTP's many significant contributionsto rice improvement as described <strong>in</strong> the Institute's 1979 annual report:• Several national breed<strong>in</strong>g programs, <strong>in</strong> addition to the one at <strong>IRRI</strong>, havedeveloped varieties matur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> less than 100 days as a result of parentsidentified <strong>in</strong> the early matur<strong>in</strong>g yield nursery.• Varieties resistant to several biotypes of the brown planthopper havebeen identified.• Varietal resistance to gall midge has rema<strong>in</strong>ed stable dur<strong>in</strong>g the past 5years <strong>in</strong> India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand.Asian Cropp<strong>in</strong>g Systems Network (ACSN). As reported earlier, until 1972 theRockefeller Foundation had given considerable support to the multiple cropp<strong>in</strong>gwork at <strong>IRRI</strong>, provid<strong>in</strong>g the services of Bradfield, who rema<strong>in</strong>ed from late1964 until mid-1971, and of his replacement, Harwood, who arrived <strong>in</strong>February 1972. That same year, the IDRC of Canada took a strong <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong><strong>IRRI</strong>'s multiple cropp<strong>in</strong>g research and made a grant of just over $150,000 tosupport the program. Meanwhile, s<strong>in</strong>ce 1970, Canada — through CIDA —hadprovided the services of Gordon Banta as visit<strong>in</strong>g agricultural economist <strong>in</strong> theMultiple Cropp<strong>in</strong>g Department.By 1973, <strong>IRRI</strong> began call<strong>in</strong>g its work <strong>in</strong> multiple cropp<strong>in</strong>g a cropp<strong>in</strong>g systemsprogram. In 1974, the program was expanded to <strong>in</strong>clude a network of experimentalsites <strong>in</strong> various agroclimatic zones <strong>in</strong> South and Southeast Asia. Testsites were selected <strong>in</strong> the Philipp<strong>in</strong>es, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. Tohandle the <strong>in</strong>creased work load, two scientists were added to the program.Virgilio R. Carangal became ACSN coord<strong>in</strong>ator and Lits<strong>in</strong>ger was added asassociate entomologist. In 1975, the staff was expanded further with theaddition of Edw<strong>in</strong> C. Price as associate agricultural economist (Banta hav<strong>in</strong>gleft <strong>IRRI</strong> <strong>in</strong> mid-1974), Hubert G. Zandstra as agronomist, Keith Moody asweed scientist, and Richard L. T<strong>in</strong>sley as visit<strong>in</strong>g associate agronomist. By theend of 1975, therefore, the cropp<strong>in</strong>g systems program was staffed by six seniorscientists and had become a major program at <strong>IRRI</strong>.

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