IMCP - U.S. Army

IMCP - U.S. Army

IMCP - U.S. Army

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Installation Management Campaign PlanAs we restore balance and set conditions for the future, our <strong>Army</strong>will depend on the entire Chaplaincy to sustain itself in an era of persistentconflict. The unique qualifications of <strong>Army</strong> chaplains will be more crucialthan ever. I could not be more proud of the Chaplain Corps during thistime of great challenge and uncertainty for our <strong>Army</strong> – the Strength of theNation.The need for resiliency for our <strong>Army</strong> Family in this time of persistent conflict is as criticalas any time in history. The <strong>Army</strong>’s overall success is directly related to our <strong>Army</strong>Family’s success in spiritual resiliency—reaching deep into its very soul. Effectivereligious support is paramount in providing relevant guidance and inspiration. It helpsequip individuals in preparation for life’s challenges and it helps to sooth and heal thesoul in the aftermath of life’s struggles. The UMT provides vital care by spending timewith its community – the Garrison. The age-old “ministry of presence” gives thechaplains the opportunity to be present where the people are. The chaplain is able toknow and experience his/her “flock” where they live, work and play. He/she providescomfort in the hospital emergency room and in the day room. The chaplain is anencourager on the ball field and out “in the field” with Soldiers. He/she celebrates thebirth in a Family and consoles when there is a death. The chaplain is able to modelspiritual maturity and provide “footlocker counseling” (on the spot encouragement andguidance) by going to the people rather than waiting for them to come to him/her. Attimes, however, more personal and in-depth counsel and instruction is required. Atthese times, the UMT provides professional and uplifting pastoral counseling for ourpeople in need. The <strong>Army</strong> Family’s quest for spiritual fitness is enhanced immeasurablyby the knowledge that they have such a caring and effective resource at their disposal.Religious EducationThe mission of IMCOM Religious Education is to provide the highest quality of spiritualformation and religious education (RE) for the <strong>Army</strong> and to develop programs andprocesses to facilitate continuing faith development and spiritual resilience for Soldiersand Family Members in all phases of the ARFORGEN cycle. We are committed toproviding our Soldiers and Families a strong, supportive spiritual community where theycan grow and thrive in an <strong>Army</strong> climate of persistent conflict. We perform this byharnessing the efforts and talents of tens of thousands of volunteers resulting in ourSoldiers, Families, and <strong>Army</strong> Civilians becoming more spiritually fit and equipped toface the rigors of life.Contemporary Spiritual Formation Processes: In conjunction with ongoing SpiritualFitness initiatives, we are in the process of developing Faith Exploration Labs as anelement of Soldier and Family Spiritual Fitness Centers. We also continue to offerSpiritual Growth Seminars, Retreats, Spiritual Practices Workshops, and partnershipwith Family Life Chaplains on Strong Bonds events. We are persistent in seeking waysto leverage technology to deliver spiritual formation resources in the preferred media ofour constituents.Annex E: Religious Support and Spiritual Fitness E-3

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