Emax Low voltage air circuit-breakers - ABB Download Center

Emax Low voltage air circuit-breakers - ABB Download Center

Emax Low voltage air circuit-breakers - ABB Download Center


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1SDC200260F0001PR121/P PR122/P PR123/P1SDA......R1 1SDA......R1 1SDA......R13 Poles 4 Poles 3 Poles 4 Poles 3 Poles 4 PolesE3H 08Fixed (F)E3V 08Fixed (F)E3S 10Fixed (F)E3H 10Fixed (F)E3S 12Fixed (F)E3H 12Fixed (F)E3V 12Fixed (F)Icu (415 V) = 100 kA Icw (1 s) = 75 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 056336 056344 056339 056347LSI 056337 056345 056340 056348 056342 056350LSIG 056338 056346 056341 056349 056343 056351LSIRc* 058689* to be ordered with toroid for residual current protection (see code on page 9/58)Icu (415 V) = 130 kA Icw (1 s) = 85 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 056528 056536 056531 056539LSI 056529 056537 056532 056540 056534 056542LSIG 056530 056538 056533 056541 056535 056543LSIRc* 058809* to be ordered with toroid for residual current protection (see code on page 9/58)Icu (415 V) = 75 kA Icw (1 s) = 75 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 059385 059387 059397 059399LSI 059389 059391 059401 059403 059413 059415LSIG 059393 059395 059405 059407 059417 059419Icu (415 V) = 100 kA Icw (1 s) = 75 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 059345 059347 059357 059359LSI 059349 059351 059361 059363 059373 059375LSIG 059353 059355 059365 059367 059377 059379Icu (415 V) = 75 kA Icw (1 s) = 75 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 056176 056184 056179 056187LSI 056177 056185 056180 056188 056182 056190LSIG 056178 056186 056181 056189 056183 056191LSIRc* 058769* to be ordered with toroid for residual current protection (see code on page 9/58)Icu (415 V) = 100 kA Icw (1 s) = 75 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 056368 056376 056371 056379LSI 056369 056377 056372 056380 056374 056382LSIG 056370 056378 056373 056381 056375 056383LSIRc* 058697* to be ordered with toroid for residual current protection (see code on page 9/58)Icu (415 V) = 130 kA Icw (1 s) = 85 kAHR = Horizontal rear terminalsLI 056560 056568 056563 056571LSI 056561 056569 056564 056572 056566 056574LSIG 056562 056570 056565 056573 056567 056575LSIRc* 058817* to be ordered with toroid for residual current protection (see code on page 9/58)9Fixed parts ......................... page 9/51 Terminals ............................ page 9/53 Extra codes ...................... page 9/54<strong>ABB</strong> SACE 9/11

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