2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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and governmental agencies that fightpiracy at America's borders, seizingcounterfeit goods in bricks and mortarstores, and shutting down domains ofcyber rogues in the virtual world.Director Kubiak will discuss theinteragency relationships and shares withlawyers the ways in which their client'sinterests and concerns about piracy insports and entertainment can be broughtto the table.Prepare to be entertained and informed byDirector Kubiak, moderated by AlexandraDarraby, in Part 1 of a two-part piracyprogram offered in April. Part 2 will be heldin May <strong>2012</strong>, featuring practitioners andindustry leaders.Item no. : HN11200326Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROSECUTIONSTRATEGIES: TACKLINGUSPTO OBVIOUSNESSREJECTIONSBy Janet S. Hendrickson, Gregory L.Hillyer, Michelle E. O'Brien, Zachary S.SternThe Supreme Court's decision in KSR v.Teleflex was widely discussed. OnSeptember 1, 2010, the United StatesPatent and Trademark Office (USPTO)released updated examination guidelinesthat provide guidance to examiners andpractitioners for analyzing obviousness.Starting with the examination guidelines,the panel explores how the KSR standardshave been applied in various technologyareas and provide guidance for effectiveavenues of argument based on thetechnology area.The panel also discusses variousarguments that may be effective, but mayalso narrow the scope of arguments thatcan be made during litigation.Item no. : WU11200564Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING YOURINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:BEST PRACTICES FORCHINA IN <strong>2012</strong>By James M. ZimmermanForeign <strong>com</strong>panies doing business inChina must be careful with theirintellectual property rights (IPR), includingtrade and <strong>com</strong>mercial secrets, and takesteps to protect and enforce their IPR. Theloss of IPR has resulting in significantlitigation costs to recover key IPR misusedor stolen by Chinese <strong>com</strong>panies.Learn more about the types of IPR marketentry strategies used with success byforeign <strong>com</strong>panies operating in China. Theprogram will host speaker JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and the office administrativepartner in the Beijing office of SheppardMullin Richter & Hampton LLP.Item no. : TH11200329Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ROSETTA STONE:UNLOCKING THE FOURTHCIRCUIT'S KEYWORDSADVERTISING DECISIONAND PREVIEWING ITSCONSEQUENCESBy David H. Bernstein, Stacey Dogan,Sheldon H. KleinThis program will explore the FourthCircuit's decision in Google v. RosettaStone, the latest, and leading, decision onthe issue of keyword advertising on searchengine web sites. Our expert panel willdiscuss the background of the case, theFourth Circuit holdings in the decision,what was not decided, what remains to betried in the trial court, and the interim andpotential consequences for the keywordadvertising industry especially as it relatesto trademark owners whose marks areused in keyword advertising.Item no. : CN11200583Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00STATUTORY TERMINATIONOF COPYRIGHTTRANSFERS UNDER THEU.S. COPYRIGHT ACT ASAAPPLICABLE TO SOUNDRECORDINGSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Timothy C. MatsonUnder the Copyright Act of 1976, anygrant, license or assignment made on orafter January 1, 1978 may be terminatedby the author thirty-five years from thedate of such transfer if the work was notoriginally created as a work-made-for-hirefor an employer. Given the unequalbargaining power at the time of earlytransfers and the impossibility ofdetermining a work's value until after it hasbeen exploited, the intent of Congress is tosafeguard authors against unremunerativetransfers.With transfer termination dates beginningJanuary 1, 2013, the potential impact ofthis amendment on recording <strong>com</strong>paniesis massive. The presenters will analyzethe amendment, termination notice filingsand other technical <strong>com</strong>plications relatedto the interpretation and implementation ofthe amendment.Item no. : EW11200339Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TAKING THE RAND CASETO TRIALBy Eric Benisek, Richard VasquezHow do you try a RAND case? Much inkhas been spilled on the academicdiscussion of standards settingorganizations (SSOs), patent hold- up,and reasonable and non-discriminatory(RAND) licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments. But howshould RAND be litigated in the trial courts,and what are the viable causes of action,defenses, and remedies that parties canpursue? Litigating patents subject toRAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments is still theWild West with very little precedent toguide practitioners.This audio CD-ROM will cover therecognized causes of action and defensesavailable to parties litigating patentssubject to RAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments,as well as important strategicconsiderations and available remedies.Specific topics will include: key appellatedecisions; recent guidance from theFederal Trade Commission; past andcurrent actions in district courts involvingRAND licensing disputes; andre<strong>com</strong>mendations on potential winningtrial strategies for defendants litigatingpatents subject to RAND licensing<strong>com</strong>mitments.Item no. : MN11200342Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TECH CONTRACTS: NINELESSONS FOR DRAFTING &NEGOTIATING BETTER BITAGREEMENTSBy David W. TollenThis program prepares lawyers to handlesoftware licenses, cloud <strong>com</strong>putingagreements, software as a service (SaaS)deals, and other IT contracts. The legalsubject-matter includes both intellectualproperty and tech-specific <strong>com</strong>mercial law.It's organized around nine of the leastunderstood concepts in the field, and ituses those nine to build <strong>com</strong>prehension oftech contracts in general:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCloud <strong>com</strong>puting, software as aservice (SaaS), and softwarelicensing -- explained and110

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