2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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trends in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate litigationand the effectiveness of typical remediesin that arena including:Remedies provisions in <strong>com</strong>mercialpurchase sale agreements in light ofthe current economy and possibleinstability in the <strong>com</strong>mon law;Doctrines and legal principles behindthe remedies structures currently inuse, including specific contractlanguage examples; and Alternative and suggestedapproaches for provisions warrantinga change.The current economic crisis has created amyriad of legal and business problems forour clients and those they do businesswith. Some of those problems negativelyimpact their ability to meet contractualobligations and may lead to defaults onreal estate purchase agreements, leases,and financing arrangements. Lenders,servicers and investors have always foundthemselves in the state, federal andbankruptcy courts, defending aspects ofthe <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate and lendingprocess. Current market conditions havechanged some aspects of this but not asmuch as one would think. The root of most<strong>com</strong>mercial litigation in today's real estatelitigation world still relates to simpledefaults in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatetransactions and the <strong>com</strong>mercial lendingwhich ac<strong>com</strong>panies the same. Duringthese troubling times, attorneys are welladvised to rethink our traditional approachto the remedies provisions generally foundin standard <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatecontracts.Item no. : NZ11200580Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TOUSA EXPLAINED: HOWCAN LIABILITY DISAPPEARAND SHOULD I ACCEPTTHAT PAYOFF?The United States Court of Appeals for theEleventh Circuit issued its muchanticipated decision in the TOUSA, Inc.bankruptcy cases on May 15, <strong>2012</strong>. Thedecision provides an ominous reminder toLenders to carefully assess the value ofaccepting asset pledges or guaranteesfrom borrowers subsidiaries, sometimesreferred to as upstream guarantees.TOUSA should also give creditors pausein accepting payments for existingobligations from the proceeds oftransactions that may later be avoided asfraudulent transfers in violation of thebankruptcy code.Our panel of experts will discuss: What does TOUSA say aboutupstream and cross streamguarantees and how does that relateto typical workouts? Has the test for indirect benefit beenchanged? What does TOUSA say aboutaccepting loan repayments from aninsolvent or risky borrower? Are there any work-arounds ordocumentary protections? How does TOUSA affect lawyers whogive opinions? In view of Stern v. Marshall, some (butnot all) courts have held that abankruptcy court may not enter finalorders in a fraudulent conveyance suit,but can only make re<strong>com</strong>mendationsto the district court. If this matter isre-heard by the 11th Circuit is itpossible that the Stern decision willchange the standard on appeal, andhence the result?Item no. : PZ11200609Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UGLY TRUTH, THE:MUNICIPALRESTRUCTURING &BANKRUPTCYBy Hon. Charles Bowsher, Hon.Christopher M. Klein, Joshua Rauh,Lawrence Susskind, Harriet M. WelchCaught between a rock and a hard place,our states and cities face enormousuncertainties and financial crises fromchronic over-spending. Considerablenegotiations as well as leadership will berequired to obtain consensus and achievesustainable economic fiscal results. Thispanel will discuss various solutions,including bankruptcies leading torestructuring of pension and other laborcosts, and efforts to gain relief throughasset sales.Item no. : EA11200618Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BETTER LIVINGEVERYDAY GOURMET, THE:REDISCOVERING THE LOSTART OF COOKINGBy Chef Bill BriwaThere's a strong sense of pride andac<strong>com</strong>plishment that <strong>com</strong>es from cookingyour own meals; from taking ingredientsand <strong>com</strong>bining them to createeye-catching and mouth-watering dishesthat can please you and your family andfriends. The only problem: For many ofus, …Item no. : JE09280624Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00FUNDAMENTALS OFPHOTOGRAPHYBy Joel SartorePhotographs are more than just snapshots.When taken the right way, they be<strong>com</strong>edramatic personal statements with thepower to last forever. They can transportyou to distant landscapes, capture fleetingemotions, recall cherished memories,reveal …Item no. : WC09280625Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00SCIENCE OF NATURALHEALING, THEBy Mimi GuarneriIn the 21st century, the Western paradigmfor healthcare is changing.Notwithstanding the great strengths ofmedical science, many people now haveconcerns about key features of ourhealth-care system—among them, thewidespread use of …Item no. : AA09280633Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00SPIRITUAL BRAIN, THE:SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUSEXPERIENCEBy Andrew <strong>New</strong>bergDoes God exist? Do we have a soul? Is itpossible to make contact with a spiritualrealm? How should we respond to thedivine? Will life …The religious impulse is so powerfullypervasive that neuroscience has posed aprovocative question: Are our brains wiredto worship? In The Spiritual Brain: Scienceand Religious Experience, award-winningscholar and practicing neuroscientist Dr.Andrew <strong>New</strong>berg, Director of Research atthe Myrna Brind Center of IntegrativeMedicine at Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, offers you 24 riveting lecturesthat explore the new and exciting field ofneurotheology, a discipline aimed atunderstanding the connections betweenour brains and different kinds of religiousphenomena. Using an academic,experimental approach into what he calls"objective measures of spirituality," Dr.<strong>New</strong>berg attempts to explain what othershave previously only guessed at: theneuroscientific basis for why religion andspirituality have played such a prominentrole in human life.Item no. : PA09280635Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk17

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