2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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The Copyright Act grants an author theright to terminate a grant of right thirty fiveyears after a grant of a transfer or license.Because the termination right becameeffective in 1978, countless authors areexpected to regain full rights to theircopyrights beginning in 2013. Forrecording artists who are seeking toterminate their transfers of their recordingsthere is uncertainty and apprehensionover whether they have the right to do so.Record <strong>com</strong>panies have maintained thatthe termination right is unavailable torecording artists because soundrecordings qualify as "works for hire," anargument that is rejected by recordingartists and one that is yet to be resolved.This program discusses termination rightsin sound recordings and the legal issueslikely to arise for the interested parties. Itfeatures four speakers: one taking theposition favored by recording artists, onetaking the position favored by record<strong>com</strong>panies, one neutral academic, andone addressing valuation issues.Item no. : FC11200318Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW MUSIC LICENSINGDEALS: WHAT EVERYLAWYER NEEDS TO KNOWBy Jeff Brabec, Todd BrabecRepresenting music creators in the digitalage can be a <strong>com</strong>plex mission for musicpublishers and record labels mainlybecause ofthe new business models that useand exploit the music that is beingcreated daily,the court decisions that are rewritingthe traditional ways of licensing,the voluntary negotiations that arechanging the long standing practices,andthe legislation and Copyright Boardsthat are setting new rates, licensingstructures, and collection entities.No matter who you are in the business ofmusic - ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, the HarryFox Agency, SoundExchange, hitsongwriters, film, television, and videogame <strong>com</strong>posers; producers, recordingartists, music publishers, and record labels- new media music licensing deals affectsyou.This program covers:How rates are being set and bywhom?How licenses are negotiated andstructured?How much money is being made?How foreign countries handle theseareas? How the online/digital world ischanging the "traditional" world ofmusic licensing?Item no. : HR11200536Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW WORLD OFLICENSING SONGS ANDSOUND RECORDINGS, THEBy Jeff Brabec, Todd Brabec, Henry W.RootApps, video games, streaming/downloadservices, independent and major studiofeature films, multi-platform radio, network,local, cable, and mobile device television,internet trailers, e-cards, multipledistribution options, digital jukeboxes,internet karaoke, musical theatre-- theseare but some of the areas requiring newlicensing strategies, negotiations, andcontract clauses reflecting the emergenceof the online/digital world into thetraditional world of music licensing.This webinar will cover the followingtopics:How licenses are negotiated andstructuredHow rates are being set and by whomHow much money is being madeHow courts, legislation, and copyrightboards affect the processHow foreign countries handle theseareas How the online/digital world ischanging the traditional world ofmusic licensingItem no. : MA11200539Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PIRACY UPDATE: IPRCENTER STRATEGIES ANDSUCCESSESBy Alexandra Darraby, Lev KubiakJoin the Entertainment Forum inpresenting Lev Kubiak, Director ofNational Intellectual Property RightsCoordination Center (IPR), in a livelyinterview format inspired by Inside theActor's Studio. Director Kubiak will relaterecent successful collaborative actionsundertaken by the law enforcement teamsand governmental agencies that fightpiracy at America's borders, seizingcounterfeit goods in bricks and mortarstores, and shutting down domains ofcyber rogues in the virtual world.Director Kubiak will discuss theinteragency relationships and shares withlawyers the ways in which their client'sinterests and concerns about piracy insports and entertainment can be broughtto the table.Prepare to be entertained and informed byDirector Kubiak, moderated by AlexandraDarraby, in Part 1 of a two-part piracyprogram offered in April. Part 2 will be heldin May <strong>2012</strong>, featuring practitioners andindustry leaders.Item no. : HN11200326Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SPORTS ANDENTERTAINMENT FACILITYAGREEMENTS: NUTS ANDBOLTS AND WAR STORIESBy Jared Bartie, Richard L. BrandThis webinar will provide lawyers andother professionals with backgroundinformation necessary to advise andrepresent their clients in the preparation oftransactional agreements which relate tosports and entertainment facilities (arenas,stadiums, and other venues).Our faculty will provide the practitionerwith an overview of the documentation andprocess involved in setting up andoperating a sports and entertainmentfacility, including many of the principaltypes of agreements involved and howthey interact with each other.In addition, they will discuss the types ofissues and conflicts that can occur in theday to day operation and management ofthese facilities, how to deal with <strong>com</strong>monproblems faced by owners and operatorsof facilities, and the varying roles thatlawyers and other professionals play inthis process.Some of the specific agreements to bediscussed: Sponsorship agreements Suite and premium seating licenseagreements Food and beverage/concessionagreements Naming rights agreements Team license agreements Ancillary lease/licensing agreementsThe panel will offer a knowledgeableperspective on the issues involved as wellas a discussion of some practical real lifeexperiences.Item no. : RZ11200599Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPORTS MEDIA RIGHTSAGREEMENTSBy Richard Brand, Karen Brodkin, VeredYakoveeThis audio CD-ROM will provide lawyersand other professionals with background________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk61

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