2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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SECURITIES LAWSECURED TRANSACTIONS:REMEDIES,REASONABLENESS, ANDREAL WORLD LESSONSBy Kathy Cabral, Anthony R. Callobre,Teresa Wilton Harmon, Harold Lee, JamesC. SchulwolfMany security agreements specify theremedies available post-default. What if nosuch remedies are specified? Our firstsegment provides a roadmap of thestatutory rights and remedies availableunder Article 9, Part 6 regardless of theirinclusion in or omission from any givensecurity agreement.These include the right to collect on,repossess, sell, or dispose of collateral,and to retain the collateral in full or partialsatisfaction of debt. It also summarizes theobligations and standards of care to whichsecured parties must adhere and theeffects of secured party non<strong>com</strong>pliancewith such standards. Consideringdisposition of collateral in greater depth,our second segment considers theseeming simplicity of the relevant UCCtext provisions, but notes that both<strong>com</strong>mentary and case law require a morenuanced approach. It considers the moreholistic application of the <strong>com</strong>mercialreasonableness standard, appropriatecost-benefit analysis, consideration ofapplicable industry custom, and thechallenge of finding the balance betweendoing too little and doing too much, eitherof which could fail the "<strong>com</strong>merciallyreasonable" test.From this program you can expect to learnthe following: What remedies a secured party has,even if not provided in its securityagreement What are a secured party'sobligations and standard of care arein exercising its remedies How "<strong>com</strong>mercial reasonableness" isassessed in the real worldItem no. : WB11200332Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SOCIAL WORKAND SOCIALPOLICYSYSTEMIC FAMILYTHERAPY SERIESBy Jon L. WinekThis set of DVDs highlights andac<strong>com</strong>panies the different theoreticalapproaches featured in Jon Winek'sSystemic Family Therapy . The setcontains seven DVDs, each of whichcontains a full demonstration of a familytherapy interview. The DVDs open with anintroduction to the approach and to thetherapist, followed by a role play sessionand <strong>com</strong>mentary from the therapist. Thetherapist discusses what issues werepresented in the session and theirconceptualization of the presentingproblem. The therapeutic models coveredinclude the following:Behavioral Family TherapyBrief Family TherapyEmotionally Focused Family TherapyExperiential Family TherapyStrategic/Medical Family TherapyConstructivist Family TherapyStructural/Strategic Family TherapyItem no. : TJ30640001Format : 7 DVDsStdBkNo : 9781412992947Price : USD 365.00SOLOS AND SMALLFIRMSUCC FOR THE GENERALPRACTITIONER, THEBy Steven WeiseTo a general practitioner, the UCC and its<strong>com</strong>mercial laws are frequentlyencountered and may seem mysterious.This program is designed for attorneyswith a general practice that need to keepcurrent with substantive changes anddevelopments in the UCC that affect dailybusiness practices. Expert panelist andmember of the Permanent Editorial Boardfor the Uniform Commercial Code, SteveWeise will discuss <strong>com</strong>mon issues, recentdevelopments, and updates to Articles 2, 3,4, 8, and 9 with specific attention given toreal-world examples and best practiceguidelines.Item no. : PK11200346Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SUBSTANCE ABUSECURIOSITY: YOUR BODYON DRUGSFollows Robin Williams and a team ofmedical experts as they take a scientificlook at the true effects of drugs on thebody. The program profiles four of themost most widely used drugs in America:heroin, cocaine, meth, and marijuana.Witness what happens as drug addicts arefaced with a variety of physical and mentalchallenges.Item no. : HH07983562Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2011Price : USD 90.00TAXATION20 TAX TRAPS AND OTHERTRUSTEE SELECTIONCONSIDERATIONSClients rely on their planning attorney toguide them in selecting the bestcandidates to serve in the critical role oftrustee. But clients need more than justbrilliant ideas from their attorneys, theyalso need effective implementation.Unfortunately, IRC 2036, 2038 and 2041can wreak havoc on the successfulstructuring of a trust. Overlay the nuancesof these rules with the particulars of theclient family's goals and personalities, andit is easy to see how a smart andotherwise appropriate plan could fall intoone or more tax traps. In spite of the factthat most of the rules in this area haven'tchanged dramatically in years, there is stilla steady stream of cases and rulings.Some highlight what should be done;others what should be avoided. Either way,planners will benefit from anunderstanding or refresher course onthese rules.In addition, there are certain non-taxcriteria that should be taken intoconsideration. The most appropriatetrustees are those with the right skills tofurther the purpose of the trustarrangement. This may include knowingthe family, history of the wealth, talent tooperate a private <strong>com</strong>pany businessinterest, or any of a host of other uniquefactors. So clients, naturally turn to theirattorneys to help identify not just who"could" serve, but who "should" serve.Both speakers for this program bring the<strong>com</strong>bination of private practice and trust<strong>com</strong>pany in-house counsel experience inguiding listeners through an exploration ofimportant tax and non-tax considerationson trustee selection.Item no. : ZY11200359Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00<strong>2012</strong> LIVE FROM THEMEETING TRUST & ESTATEHOT TOPICSThe distinguished speakers on this panelwill light the way for your practice in thefuture. An important part of being ready forthe future is to discern the implications ofrecent developments for the futuredirection of estate and tax planning.Updates on legislative, regulatory, judicialand administrative matters will includepractical application. As for 2013, ourpanelists will provide their best predictionswith no guarantees.Item no.Format: YE11200360: CD-ROM (Win)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk145

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