2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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problem. The therapeutic models coveredinclude the following:Behavioral Family TherapyBrief Family TherapyEmotionally Focused Family TherapyExperiential Family TherapyStrategic/Medical Family TherapyConstructivist Family TherapyStructural/Strategic Family TherapyItem no. : TJ30640001Format : 7 DVDsStdBkNo : 9781412992947Price : USD 365.00COURTSESTATE AND TAXPLANNING FOR SAME-SEXSEXCOUPLESBy Patricia A. Cain, Courtney G. Joslin,Timothy T. Thomas, Michele ZavosBecause of the existing patchwork ofprotection in this country, same-sexcouples face many legal uncertainties.While some states recognize relationshipsbetween same-sex couples, other statesand the federal government may not. Thisseminar focused on the ways thatattorneys can assist their same-sexcouples through estate planning,ownership of property, and tax planning,as well as how clients can protect theirrelationships with their children.The expert panelists specifically focusedon: drafting clauses that are specific tothe LGBT <strong>com</strong>munity versus using astandard form; ethical issues in representing bothpartners; protecting the rights of couples withchildren; basic estate planning for non-taxableestates; basic overview of federal gift andestate tax as of 2011; estate planning for same-sex coupleswith wealth exceeding exemptionamounts (state or federal); partner relationships; and last will and testament.Item no. : LA11200441Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CRIMINAL LAW26TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE TE ON WHITECOLLAR CRIMEThe <strong>2012</strong> keynote panels will focus on themost significant white collar criminal trialsof the past year, and on the ethicalobligations of white collar lawyers. TheInstitute will have excellent representationfrom the corporate sector, includingmembers of the legal and <strong>com</strong>pliancegroups of British Airways, CME Group,Exxon Mobil, General Dynamics, Microsoft,Morgan Stanley, Oracle Corporation,Qual<strong>com</strong>m, Raytheon, WeatherfordInternational and WellCare Health Plans.The Institute also will include seniormembers of the Department of Justice,prosecutors and distinguished members ofthe federal judiciary.Item no. : HK11200246Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1095.0029TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON CRIMINALTAX FRAUD AND THE 2NDNATIONAL INSTITUTE ONOTAX CONTROVERSYThe 29th Annual National Institute onCriminal Tax Fraud is the annual gatheringof the criminal tax defense bar <strong>com</strong>binedwith the Second Annual National Instituteon Tax Controversy.This audio recording of the program willput you in the room with high-levelgovernment representatives, judges,corporate counsel, and privatepractitioners engaged in all aspects of taxcontroversy, tax litigation, and criminal taxdefense.Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.00AFFORDABLE CARE ACTAND HEALTH CARE FRAUD,THE: THE BEAT GOES ONOBy Arianne Callender, Joseph C. Hudzik,Gabriel L. Imperato, Daniel l. Small, SaraWinslowThe publicity involving the SupremeCourt's decision to uphold theconstitutionality of the Affordable Care Act("ACA") was primarily focused on the"individual mandate" and the expansion ofthe Medicaid Program. The balance of theprovisions of the ACA were also sustainedby the Supreme Court's decision andmany of them have already had asignificant impact in criminal, civil andadministrative enforcement of the healthcare fraud and abuse laws and obligationsfor healthcare organizations to ensure<strong>com</strong>pliance with fraud and abuse andregulatory requirements under Federalhealth programs.This program focused on the ACAprovisions having the most significantimpact in the fraud and abuseenforcement and <strong>com</strong>pliance areas. Thetopics that were addressed during thewebinar include the increased funding andexpansion of Federal and stateenforcement efforts and the significantamendments to the False Claims Act. Thepanelists also discussed the ramificationsof the "lowered intent" standard applicablefor criminal liability under the FederalAnti-Kickback Statute and theestablishment of the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services Self-ReferralDisclosure Protocol ("SRDP") facilitatingself-reporting of violations of the FederalStark Law. The panelists also addressedthe mandatory <strong>com</strong>pliance programs forhealthcare organizations and, finally, adiscussion of the amendments to theFalse Claims Act and Civil Money PenaltyLaw establishing the basis for liability forfailure to return a known overpaymentwithin 60 days of identification of theoverpayment.Listen as our panelist discuss the issuessurrounding these important provisions ofthe ACA that are rapidly evolving and arebeing reflected in numerous enforcementmatters and in the regulatory priorities ofthe Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices, the Office of Inspector Generalof Health and Human Services, and theDepartment of Justice.Item no. : MA11200250Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COST OF WRONGFULCONVICTIONS, THEBy John Conroy, Nadia Lynn Costa,Donna Frazier, Emily Miller, Yoav Potash,more…In this time of limited state and localgovernment resources, manymunicipalities are examining cost recoveryand expense reduction measures. Oneanalysis cites 85 wrongful convictioncases which included 81 cases ofgovernment misconduct or error and 926years in prison at a cost of $214 million totaxpayers. This CLE will assess thecauses, quantify the actual financial andhuman costs, and discuss what reformscan be considered to limit or prevent futureinjustices.Item no. : BU11200268Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk46

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