2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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The program is designed to be a freeflowing discussion and will include aquestion and answer session for whichaudience participation is encouraged.Item no. : KF11200514Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LENDER ASKED FOR WHAT?KEY LOAN DOCUMENTISSUES FOR BORROWER'SCOUNSEL, THEBy John N. Oest, James C. SchulwolfThis program examines the key issueswhich arise in secured <strong>com</strong>mercial loantransactions from the point of view of the ~borrower and its counsel. Which items should be addressed "upfront" Prepayment provisions and penalties Representations andwarranties "should I disclose?" Affirmative, negative, and financialcovenants Events of default Third party agreementsItem no. : CH11200515Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA, A: TRENDS,BENEFITS, AND RISKS INLEGAL OUTSOURCINGBy William J. Campbell, Jr., Vincent M.Catanzaro, Kunoor Chopra, Browning E.Marean III, Heather Linn RosingPlease join our all-star panel to discuss anemerging trend in the legalprofessio--sending elements of therepresentation outside of the traditionallaw firm. The legal outsourcing provider(LPO) industry only took off in the last 7-8years, but is expected to continue to growat a fast pace. We will explore the stilllargely undiscovered world of LPOs,contract attorneys, professional documentreviewers, and e-discovery experts. Theuse of these individuals and <strong>com</strong>panies inthe course of representation can be verycost effective, but also raises issues aboutthe industry's intersection with the ModelRules of Professional Conduct with regardto the duty to supervise, confidentiality,<strong>com</strong>petence, conflicts, and billing. Ourpanel includes four very differentperspectives: an in-house attorney, apartner in a large law firm, an ethicist, andan executive in the outsourcing industrywho previously founded one of the pioneerlegal-process outsourcing <strong>com</strong>panies.Join us to get up to speed on this hot topicand the risks and benefits it presents.Item no.Format: NB11200320: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OPINIONS ON LLCINTERESTS ANDSECONDARY SALES OFSECURITIESBy Julie M. Allen, Donald W. Glazer,Stanley Keller, James G. Leyden Jr.,Steven WeiseThe TriBar Opinions Committee hasissued two important new reports: onedealing with Opinions on LLC Interests,and the other with Opinions on SecondarySales of Securities. Both reports providenew insights to these <strong>com</strong>mon opinionsthat practitioners need to know.A faculty, <strong>com</strong>prised of experts who tookthe lead in preparing these reports, sharetheir knowledge and explain the keylessons to be learned from the reports.Item no. : MC11200545Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00POWER EDITING FORLAWYERS: CLEARER,QUICKERCOMMUNICATION WITHCLIENTS, JUDGES, ANDEACH OTHERBy Gary KinderIn this 90-minute program, lawyers willlearn a system for removing uselesswords, enlivening sentences, andpropelling readers forward. Created by alawyer and <strong>New</strong> York Times bestsellingauthor, this word-raking system helpslawyers write letters, emails, briefs, andmemoranda that are clear, concise, andmemorable.Item no. : BS11200554Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING THECORPORATE DIRECTORBy Kevin F. Brady, Carol Hansell, AnnLongmore, Francis G.X. Pileggi, JamesWingThis program will explore indemnificationand insurance protections for officers anddirectors of public and private <strong>com</strong>panies.Our panel will examine areas of potentialcatastrophic risk to executives and themost effective ways for officers anddirectors to address those risks utilizingnew forms of D&O insurance.The panel will introduce a checklist forcorporate counsel to use in managing thecreation or renewal of <strong>com</strong>prehensive andup-to-date executive protection programs.Item no. : MJ11200566Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PURSUING ANDDEFENDING ALLEGEDFRAUDULENT TRANSFERS:A PRACTICAL GUIDEThis audio CD-ROM features a discussionof the practical aspects of litigatingfraudulent transfer/conveyance actionsand brings the perspective of both anexperienced litigator and a financial expertin valuation and solvency. Our expertpanel draws examples from theirrespective practices as they discuss bothlegal and financial challenges in identifying,proving, and ultimately unwindingfraudulent transfers as well as providingguidance in defense of alleged fraudulenttransfers. The discussion also focuses onthe interplay between counsel and anexpert witness in the analysis and litigationof fraudulent transfers.Item no. : NA11200569Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RUSSIA, CHINA AND INDIA:DESIGNING COMPLIANCEPROGRAMS FORDEVELOPING ANTITRUSTENFORCEMENT REGIMESBy Maria Ankoudinova, Susan Ning,Pallavi Shroff, D. Daniel Sokol, Mark D.WhitenerGiven the size of the economies and therelative youth of their antitrust agencies,<strong>com</strong>pliance with <strong>com</strong>petition law in Russia,China and India presents significantpotential issues for any in-house lawyer.The purpose of this program is to providecorporate counsel with an overview of howto manage <strong>com</strong>pliance with these legalsystems. The panel addresses not just theapplication of the laws, but also discussesthe political and economic factors that mayinfluence enforcement priorities in thesecountries.Item no. : LN11200585Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk44

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