2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.006TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ONE-DISCOVERY PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR DEALINGWITH ELECTRONICALLYSTORED INFORMATIONThe 6th Annual National Institute onE-Discovery Practical Solutions forDealing with Electronically Storedconsisted of all-star panels ofdistinguished professionals that convenedfor a full day of advanced-levelprogramming to share their knowledge onhot topics in e-discovery.Topics discussed included: Late-breaking case law developmentsacross the spectrum of electronicdiscovery issues.The issues and challenges arisingfrom a corporation's obligation topreserve some of the most elusiveelectronic data, such as datagenerated by corporate social mediaand personal information stored byemployees. Practical insights for protectingprivileged information in a globalelectronic working environment.Item no. : KV11200361Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ACCELERATED CASERESOLUTION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARDIf you've been wondering how you canmore efficiently pursue meritsdeterminations in inter partes proceedingsbefore the Trademark Trial and AppealBoard (TTAB) of the USPTO, this ABAwebinar is just the ticket. The panel willdiscuss using the various efficiencies andalternatives to traditional discovery andtrial that characterize opposition andcancellation cases proceeding under theTTAB's Accelerated Case Resolution(ACR) process. If you want to streamlineand position opposition and cancellationproceedings for more efficient, economicaland focused presentation of the facts andevidence that are necessary to resolve themerits of a case, and are involved in acase with an adversary seeking the samesavings, the ACR process may be right foryou. ACR can save parties time andresources, and typically will result in fasterresolution than a standard TTABproceeding utilizing traditional discoveryand trial methodologies.Our authoritative panel will provide anoverview of the ACR process and discusshow ACR can help parties achieveresolution on an expedited basis. We willexamine factors to consider in determiningwhether ACR is right for a particularsituation, and will discuss timing,procedures, and strategies to keep in mindwhen electing and using Accelerated CaseResolution.Item no. : FF11200249Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADVISING CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTORS ON NEWOBLIGATIONS WITHRESPECT TO SUSPENDEDAND DEBARRED ENTITIESBy Jeff Chiow, Neil O'DonnellThe faculty will explain the importance ofcontractors knowing their obligations withrespect to contracting with suspended anddebarred parties. They will examine howthe laws and rules might be applied on agiven construction project that receivesDepartment of Transportation (DoT)funding, highlighting how different theanalysis may be even as between twoagencies within DoT, such FTA and FHWA.After discussing a case study,representatives from the bar, government,and industry will discuss approaches andchallenges on ensuring enterprise-wideawareness of and <strong>com</strong>pliance withobligations regarding suspended anddebarred subcontractors. The panel willalso address the apparent move towardimposing greater due diligence obligationson grantees and contractors.Practitioners are often asked the followingquestions that can be very <strong>com</strong>plex andwill depend on the source(s) of federalfunding for a given construction project.Participants will be able to evaluate andanswer these questions with ease.What must a contractor do to satisfyits responsibility to avoidsubcontracting with suspended ordebarred entities?If, during performance, a contractordiscovers that one of itssubcontractors is listed on theExcluded Parties List System (EPLS),what are the contractors obligations,including, specifically, is it obligated togive notice to the agency?Item no. : GY11200368Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFTER THE CLOSINGDINNER: MANAGINGPOST-CLOSING ISSUES INSECURED TRANSACTIONSBy Paul Hodnefield, Annette Moore,Steven WeiseThis program examines the effect of<strong>com</strong>mon post-closing events on perfectedsecurity interests and what the securedparty must do to retain perfection andpriority in the collateral.The topics covered include: changes to the debtor's name, transfer of the collateral, and a change in the governing law.Item no. : EF11200370Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANATOMY OF M&AINDEMNIFICATIONNEGOTIATIONSBy Wilson Chu, Jordaan Hendrik, Craig A.Menden, Linda SchmidtThrough a <strong>com</strong>bination of illustrativenegotiations, analysis of marketbenchmarks from the American BarAssociation's Private Target Deal PointsStudy, and a healthy dose of reality from adeal litigator's perspective, this programwill make a deep-dive into some of themost <strong>com</strong>plex and contentiousindemnification issues being negotiated intoday's private target M&A marketplace.Topics include: Knowledge-based limitations tobuyer's indemnification rights (i.e.,"sandbagging") Balancing acts between "fulldisclosure," "pro-sandbagging," and"non-reliance" provisions Fraud exceptions to "exclusiveremedy" provisions Issues specific to private equitytransactionsItem no. : SV11200375Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANNUAL FRANCHISE ANDDISTRIBUTION LAW________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk19

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