2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PORTABILITY AND OTHERUNCERTAINTIES ANDPOTENTIAL PITFALLS OFOTRA 2010The Tax Relief, Unemployment InsuranceReauthorization and Job Creation Act of2010 mixes opportunities, questions, andtraps. These provisions should becarefully considered as some of theopportunities may only exist through <strong>2012</strong>and provisions applying to deaths in 2010may impact a surviving spouse's planning.This program will probe further into these<strong>com</strong>plex matters and discuss planningconsiderations, opportunities and potentialpitfalls.Attend this program to: Understand planning opportunitiesoffered under the current law and howto take advantage Understand the remaining uncertaintyand how to plan accordingly Understand potential pitfalls createdunder the current law and how to planaccordinglyItem no. : HD11200552Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PREMARITALAGREEMENTS:REPRESENTING ESENTING THESTRONGER PARTY;REPRESENTING THEWEAKER PARTYIt seems to be a fairly widespread beliefthat premarital agreements are easy tobreak. This is a myth. Courts rarely refuseenforcement. However, whenever apremarital agreement is challenged theproponent of the agreement must incur therisk and expense of defending validity.From the standpoint of a party to apremarital agreement who is in the weakerbargaining position, there is only onechance to get it right. This programfocuses on the lawyers role inrepresenting a party to a premaritalagreement at the negotiation and draftingstage. Linda Ravdin will discuss the basicsof validity with an emphasis on what thelawyer for the proponent can do toenhance validity and reduce risk for his orher client. She will also discuss the pointof view of the lawyer for the weaker partyand how that lawyer can work to improvethe out<strong>com</strong>e for his or her client.Item no. : HE11200559Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING SENIORSAND THEIR FAMILIES:PITFALLS AND POINTERSBy Walter T. Burke, Michael A. Kirtland,Nina Kohn, Kate Mewhinney"The family lawyer" is a familiar figure toclients who have a lawyer they consult formultiple legal issues. Yet lawyers can findthemselves in a practical and ethicalminefield when asked to provide counselabout advanced planning issues forelderly family members. Indeed, even themost basic of questions - who is the client?- can be challenging to answer.This program focuses on the practical andethical challenges that arise when alawyer either represents or is asked torepresent multiple family members. Thespeakers explore both the advantages anddisadvantages of representing families inthe elder law context. They also offerpractical advice on how to handle theethical and pragmatic challenges thatarise when representing multiple familymembers.Item no. : WJ11200579Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SAME-SEXSEX SPOUSES,PARTNERS AND ADULTADOPTIONS: TRUSTSADMINISTARTION ISSUESPRESENTED BYBENEFICIARYRELATIONSHIPSBy Richard S. Franklin, David G. Keyko,Linda L. Kotis, Matthew J. MacLeanThis program will discuss fiduciary andtrust administration issues when abeneficiary has a same-sex spouse orpartner.The program will address: How recognition of a beneficiary'smarital status and descendants canaffect the trustees powers and dutiesin the context of UTC and <strong>com</strong>monlaw principles, state supportobligations and the settler's intentions.Because the laws recognizingsame-sex marriage differ byjurisdiction and the federal DOMAallows a state to disregard same-sexmarriages, a trustee may faceconflicting rules when a trust issitused in one state and hasbeneficiaries residing elsewhere;Two high profile adult adoption cases,one of which was a substitute for gaymarriage. Issues include challengesto recognition as descendants andinterpretation of trust language; Various ways attorneys andfiduciaries can mitigate litigation risksas they navigate the <strong>com</strong>plex andchanging legal landscape of lawsgoverning nontraditional relationships.Item no. : FW11200588Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT GOVERNMENTBENEFITSPlanning for the future is never easy, and itcan be even more difficult when a lovedone is disabled. What are the best steps toprovide for the future? Do you have thespecialized knowledge that will get yourclients the security they need? Severalestate planning attorneys have beendisbarred or sued due to their failure toknow the implications of SSI, Medicaideligibility, and other special needs rules.Don't risk your client's future plans or yourlicense.Item no. : BW11200336Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TOP 10 QDRO MISTAKESEXPERIENCE LAWYERSMAKEBy Emily McBurneyThis program covers advanced QualifiedDomestic Relations Orders (QDROs)topics for experienced attorneys.Preparing QDROs is a necessary toolwhen dealing with and distributingretirement benefits for married couples.There are many everyday problemsassociated with drafting and finalizingthese orders; even the experiencedattorney will benefit from the expertguidance given in this presentation.Item no. : HG11200606Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRANSGENDER PEOPLEAND FAMILY LAW:CURRENT LEGALCHALLENGES AND BESTPRACTICESBy Jennifer Levi, Shannon Price MinterThis 90-minute audio CD-ROM discussesthe legal challenges transgender peopleface in creating, expanding, and dissolvingfamilies, and how lawyers can help their________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk79

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