2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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DUE DILIGENCE ONCHINESE COMPANIES:METHODS, TOOLS ANDRESOURCES FORDETERMINING FACT FROMFFICTIONBy James M. ZimmermanIt's important for U.S. firms to thoroughlyinvestigate their "partners" in Chinaincluding their joint venture partners, M&Atargets, distributors, suppliers, seniormanagers, consultants and agents,third-party services providers, andgovernmental stakeholders. Criticalmistakes can be made if an investor linksup with the wrong partner.Topics will include a review of the methodsand tools employed to conduct legal,operational, and financial due diligence onChinese <strong>com</strong>panies. Participants will learnmore about the use of due diligencechecklists, resources and processes forverifying information and data received,impact of Chinese state/<strong>com</strong>mercialsecrets laws, and developing contractuallanguage to protect the parties.This interactive seminar will host JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and Office AdministrativePartner in the Beijing office of internationalfirm Sheppard Mullin Richter & HamptonLLP.Item no. : AT11200273Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FCPA: BEST PRACTICES TOKEEP REGULATORS AWAYBy Katherine Choo, Cheryl L.Haas-Goldstein, Douglas M. Lankler, MarkF. MendelsohnThis program provides practical tips toin-house counsel on how they can designand implement <strong>com</strong>pliance programs andreviews to best <strong>com</strong>ply with provisions ofthe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Item no. : TH11200458Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW TO SERVE CLIENTS CINCHINA WITH YOUR U.S.LITIGATION PRACTICEBy Peter M. Friedman, William F.McGovern, William Pao, Samuel G.Williamson, Yunxia (Kate) YinChina has long tantalized American lawfirms looking to take advantage of arapidly growing economy and a massivepool of new clients. Now, the next wave ofgrowth for American firms in China is tooffer U.S. law litigation capabilities toChinese clients. Recent issuesChina-based clients faced includeaddressing liability arising from allegedaccounting fraud in a U.S. stock exchangelisting to investigating bribery allegationsunder the FCPA. And as more Chinese<strong>com</strong>panies set up subsidiaries in the U.S.,and sell their products and servicesdirectly in the U.S., litigation has thepotential to grow to en<strong>com</strong>pass an evenbroader range of general <strong>com</strong>mercialmatters.Join our expert panel, all of whom haveexperience litigating or doing business inChina, as we learn about the future of U.S.litigation in China.Item no. : DN11200494Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00INDIVIDUALS ANDINTERNATIONALCOMPANIES DOINGBUSINESS IN THE U.S.:INVESTOR VISA ISSUESBy Mayra L. Calo, Bernard WolfsdorfAs the world economy be<strong>com</strong>es moreglobal, individuals and internationalbusinesses are increasingly interested indoing business in the largest economy inthe world, the United States andopportunities abound for attorneys. Whilethere are many opportunities in this areaof law, there are also challenges thatrequire an understanding of how the visaprocess works, so entity formation andstructure meet visa application processesrequirements, and result in immigrationapproval.Join our expert panel to learn about thevisa requirements and options forindividuals and international <strong>com</strong>paniesinterested in doing business in the UnitedStates, including discussion of investor(EB-5/E-1/2) visas, <strong>com</strong>pany transfer (L-1)and green cards.This program will provide a how- tooverview of corporate and business U.S.immigration law that will strengthen yourimmigration, tax, corporate, orinternational law practice.Item no. : VR11200297Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERNATIONALAPPROACH TO LEGALPRIVILEGE ISSUES, ANBy Dr. Wilhelm Hartung, James R. Modrall,Kristina Nordlander, Debra Valentine,Stephen WiskingThe recognition of legal privilege variesconsiderably from jurisdiction tojurisdiction. Many jurisdictions do notaccept the broad U.S. approach to legalprivilege. This course will explore thesimilarities and differences between theapproaches to legal privilege in four keyjurisdictions for antitrust practitioners: theEU, Germany, the UK and the US.The panelists include leading in-houseand outside counsel practitioners fromeach of these jurisdictions.The discussion will cover typical issuesincluding the scope of attorney-clientprivilege, the application of privilege toin-house counsel, waiver of privilege, andthe availability of joint defense (or"<strong>com</strong>mon interest") privilege.Item no. : WE11200300Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA OF FCPAENFORCEMENT AND THECOLLAPSE OF THE AFRICASTING CASES, THE: TIMETO REEVALUATE?By Greg D. Andres, Eric B. Bruce, John D.Buretta, Charles E. Cain, France Chain,more…The Africa Sting cases were heralded asthe largest FCPA sting operation in history,yielding 19 indictments against 22individuals. At the time it was the latestand certainly one of the most high profileprosecutions in what enforcement officialshave called the <strong>New</strong> Era of FCPAEnforcement. Ultimately, however , theDOJ was forced to dismiss the remainingAfrica Sting cases in the wake of two trialswhich ended with acquittals and hungjuries.The collapse of the Africa Stingprosecutions clashes with the expansiveand aggressive trends of the <strong>New</strong> Era ofFCPA enforcement raising many criticalquestions such as: Should the DOJ and the SECreevaluate their approach andprosecution standards?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCan enforcement officials continuewith their ever increasing expansionof the FCPAs statutory language andreach?Have corporate fines and settlementsgotten so out of control that they areactually a disincentive toself-reporting and cooperation? Has the focus on prosecutingindividuals resulted in a decrease ofcorporate moral as corporations offerup sacrificial lambs on agovernmental alter in hopes ofmitigating their own punishment?113

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