2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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This program will explore how asuccessful mobile payments regime mightor must evolve. Will banks be eclipsed bynon-bank participants or will new alliancesform? Which <strong>com</strong>petitors might grab themarket and why are there so manyapproaches? Panelists <strong>com</strong>e from a rangeof perspectives, including providers,consumer protection advocates,regulators, and bankers. Join us as weexplore this maze. Topics discussedincludea general overview of the U.S.approach to privacy law and thevariety of types of laws that canimpact mobile <strong>com</strong>merce;the ever-increasing use of mobiledevices and the dawning awarenessthat existing laws can and do apply;a conglomeration of federal and statelaws that create privacy requirementsfor those engaged in developing,offering or distributing mobile apps;andrecent FTC developments.Item no. : YM11200315Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PREVENTING ANDACLEANING UP AFTERCORPORATECYBER-TERRORISM,HACKING, VIRUSES, ANDOTHER ELECTRONICPESTILENCEBy Paul Lancaster Adams, Keith J. Jones,Elizabeth B. Shirley, Marc J. ZwillingerThis program focuses on how a<strong>com</strong>pany's <strong>com</strong>puter systems may bebreached by outsiders (and insiders), howto prevent it, and how to rectify it, soattending practitioners can advise theirclients and attending in-house counsel caninstitute appropriate protections. Thewebinar reviews the applicable federal anddiffering states' laws regarding what to dowhen personally identifiable information ofthousands or millions of consumers hasbeen inadvertently disclosed, how long a<strong>com</strong>pany has to notify customers of thebreach, and the measures <strong>com</strong>paniesmust take to try to rectify the breach. Whathappens if the breach is internal? Theprogram looks at what a <strong>com</strong>pany can doto protect its systems and its customersfrom internal threats of employees orformer employees gone rogue. Finally, theprogram looks at cyber-terrorism and thethreat it can pose to a <strong>com</strong>pany'soperations, as well as the civil legalimplications for the crimes.Item no. : LU11200562Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 56 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RISE OF THE INTERNET:PLANNING FOR VIRTUALASSETSIn this increasingly digital era, as internetaccounts are username and passwordprotected, issues emerge as to thetreatment of accounts upon a user'sdisability or death, particularly if the userfailed to take the necessary steps to allowthe fiduciary to access the accounts.During this presentation our panelists willaddresses: Disposition of online accounts, digitalassets, social networking accounts,passwords and security questionsand answers; Designation of rights to access suchaccounts in the event of disability anddeath; Concerns regarding retention ofdigital assets versus deletion upon ausers death and; Collection of digital assets andaccounts information.Item no. : DC11200581Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SECURITY AND ETHICS OFCLOUD COMPUTINGBy John R. McCarron Jr., Jack <strong>New</strong>tonCloud <strong>com</strong>puting is one of the hottesttrends in legal technology. Rather thaninstalling and running software on yourlocal <strong>com</strong>puter, your software and data ishosted by a third party and made availableover the Internet. While this new approachto cloud <strong>com</strong>puting offers many benefits,lawyers in particular need to be aware ofsecurity- and privacy-related "bestpractices" prior to entrusting confidentialclient data to "the cloud."This presentation addresses the followingquestions: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting /Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)? What does cloud <strong>com</strong>puting mean forlawyers? What are some of the benefits (andsome of the disadvantages) of "thecloud?" What are the ethical implications ofusing SaaS? Is it OK with my Bar? What questions about security andprivacy should you be asking aprospective SaaS provider? How should you evaluate the costs ofSaaS versus traditional desktopsoftware? How can you protect yourself againstworst-case scenarios?Item no.Format: NA11200591: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EDUCATION LAWINTRODUCTION TOSPECIAL EDUCATION LAW,ANBy Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Howard J.Fulfrost, Craig Goodmark, Dr. MelodyMusgroveThis audio CD-ROM provides an overviewof special education law. Since the civilrights movement, there have been lawsprotecting the rights of students withdisabilities. Today, the Individuals withDisabilities Education Improvement Act of2004 (IDEA) requires that school districtsprovide all individuals with disabilities, age3 to 22, with a "free appropriate publiceducation" (FAPE).The program speakers include fournationally recognized experts in the field ofspecial education law and practice. Eachaddress fundamental IDEA topics, such aseligibility, the meaning of FAPE, and dueprocess.Item no. : MG11200303Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EGYPT AND EARLYCIVILIZATIONOTHER SIDE OF HISTORY,THE: DAILY LIFE IN THETANCIENT WORLDBy Robert GarlandImagine you're a Greek soldier marchinginto battle in the front row of a phalanx. Oran Egyptian woman putting on makeupbefore attending an evening party withyour husband. Or a Celtic monk scurryingaway with the Book of Kells during aViking invasion. Wel<strong>com</strong>e to the other sideof history, the 99% of ordinary peoplewhose names …Item no. : CP09280631Format : 8 DVDsPrice : USD 520.00ELDER LAWADDING ELDER LAW TOYOUR PRACTICE: THEBASICSBy Lawrence A. Frolik, Charles Sabatino,Jeffrey J. Snell________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk54

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