2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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FCPA enforcement raising many criticalquestions such as: Should the DOJ and the SECreevaluate their approach andprosecution standards?Can enforcement officials continuewith their ever increasing expansionof the FCPAs statutory language andreach?Have corporate fines and settlementsgotten so out of control that they areactually a disincentive toself-reporting and cooperation? Has the focus on prosecutingindividuals resulted in a decrease ofcorporate moral as corporations offerup sacrificial lambs on agovernmental alter in hopes ofmitigating their own punishment?While enforcement officials claim that thenew era will continue, many who havelong called for FCPA reform suggest thatnow is the time to reevaluate the necessityfor amending the statutes as well asprosecution standards.This program will evaluate the impact ofAfrica Sting cases in view of key <strong>New</strong> Eratrends, calls for FCPA reform, and areevaluation of the prosecution standardsutilized by the DOJ and the SEC inenforcing statutes.Item no. : AC11200319Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW VOTERREGISTRATION LAWS:FIGHTING VOTER FRAUDOR SUPPRESSING THEVOTE?By Barbara Arnwine, Clarissa Martinez DeCastro, Benjamin E. Griffith, GeraldReynolds, Alan WilsonMore than a dozen states passed newlaws restricting voter registration in 2011.The trend continued in <strong>2012</strong>, with somelaws imposing criminal penalties and fines.Legal experts and state and federalofficials disagree about the challengesvoters and candidates may face at thepolls in light of the changing laws.This audio CD-ROM, which includeslongtime voting rights advocates andexperts, will shed light on current andformer experiences involving voter fraudand registration. The panel will examinethe spate of new election-related lawsfrom across the country, as well asseemingly increased enforcement of stateand federal voting laws. The full range ofnew laws will be covered, including voteridentification and proof of citizenship,residency restrictions, limits on early andweekend voting, and proposed changes tothe electoral college. With representationfrom a diverse group of panelists exploringthe concerns of both state and federalgovernment officials and citizens, theprogram addresses the question ofwhether these new voting laws are reallynecessary to protect the electoral process.Item no. : SP11200321Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHO WATCHES THEWATCHERS: LEGAL ETHICSCHALLENGES IN INTERNALINVESTIGATIONSInternal investigations have be<strong>com</strong>eincreasingly <strong>com</strong>mon for businessorganizations, whether as part of a<strong>com</strong>pliance program or in response to civilor criminal litigation. Internal investigations,however, can involve ethical landmines forboth internal and external counsel. Thissession will explore these key legal ethicsissues in internal investigations: Clients, non-clients, and people whothink they're clients: Upjohn warnings,multiple representation, and Rule 1.13issues Privilege and confidentiality issuesunder the Model Rules Conflicts between internal andexternal counselItem no. : BB11200352Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENTDESIGNERS AT WORKDesign is a fundamental way in which weexpress ourselves. And the designer isinvolved in every stage of the process,from the initial idea, to production andtesting, and to eventual use. A perfectresource for design and engineeringaudiences across the board, thisinvestigative-styled program examines thekey stages of the design process and thefactors which influence this process.Experts in architecture, industrial design,sustainable design and productdevelopment discuss how they approach aproject and what it's like working withclients and colleagues. Visually-stunningand a fascinating insight into a creative,high-pressured industry, viewers willexperience how a design goes fromimagination to reality.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : WD08691910Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00WHAT INSPIRES DESIGN?Every design, no matter its form orfunction, is inspired by something. And it'sthis often elusive 'something' which isexplored in this thought-provokingprogram for designers and creative artists.Where do designers get their ideas from?How do the environment, culture andhistory shape designers outlooks? Cancollaboration create an inspired design?How do inspiration and innovation relate toeach other? Modern design, powered bynew technology and production methods,is undoubtedly pushing the limits of humaningenuity. Viewers will enjoy this journeyinto the minds of designers and wonder ifthey too can breathe life into an idea oftheir own.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : TK08691911Format : DVDDuration : 16 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00DISABILITIESPLANET OF SNAILDirected by Seungjun YiPlanet of Snail is a mesmerizingdocumentary about an ac<strong>com</strong>plishedyoung poet who can no longer hear or seeand his relationship to the world aroundhim.Young-Chan is deaf and blind. He learnedto speak when he was very young, butsoon after lost his sight and hearing. Helives with his wife, Soon-Ho, who is hissoul mate, an inseparable part of his life,and a window to the outside world. They<strong>com</strong>municate with one another throughfinger braille, a unique form oftouch-based sign language in which wordsare tapped on each other's hands.Young-Chan and Soon-Ho rely on eachother <strong>com</strong>pletely. Even simple domestictasks require <strong>com</strong>plex collaboration, likethe changing of a light bulb on the ceiling.And everyday moments that most of ushardly notice be<strong>com</strong>e tender sharedexperiences, like feeling the bark of a tree,smelling pine cones on a spring morning,or the sensation of raindrops on the skin.However, Young-Chan must be able tosurvive on his own. One day, as Soon-Howaits anxiously at home, Young-Chanembarks on the biggest adventure of hislife.Breathtaking imagery coupled withYoung-Chan's personal writings create atransfixing portrait of life on what seemslike another planet, where touch<strong>com</strong>municates everything and loveconquers all.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk48

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