2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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about marketplace concentration.How much is too much? Emerging bases of state lawregulation of hospital M&AtransactionsItem no. : WC11200262Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MODERN HISTORYMASTERS OF WAR:HISTORY'S GREATESTSTRATEGIC THINKERSBy Andrew R. WilsonWhat can Thucydides teach us about thewar in Iraq in 2003? What is the key toadaptation during an ongoing conflict?How do you balance the tension betweenpolitical and military objectives? Whyare …Item no. : AG09280629Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00TROUBLES IN NORTHERNIRELAND, THENorthern Ireland has had a violent historystemming from the early 1600's whenlarge numbers British Protestants settledin the north and ousted large numbers ofIrish Catholics. In this interview of basedprogram we explore the causes of the Irishtroubles from early settlement, the EasterUprising, The Anglo-Irish Treaty, and therise of the IRA. We examine the conflictsbetween the Protestants and Catholics,the Unionists and the Republicans andwhat lies ahead for the future. Thisprogram features a wide range ofinterviews with politics lecturers andpoliticians from both sides of politics.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : ET11100520Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00NEUROSCIENCE,THE BRAIN ANDCOUNSELINGBIOFEEDBACK FORCOUNSELORS:EMPOWERING CLIENTSFOR SUSTAINED POSITIVELIFESTYLE CHANGEBy Thomas Sweeney; Jane MyersBiofeedback for Counselors delivers awellness-oriented approach thatcontributes in a powerful way to sustained,positive lifestyle change. It illustrates toolsthat counselors can use to help clients feela sense of stability when their lives mayfeel out of control. Biofeedback also canhelp counselors cope with the stressesand challenges of their demanding jobs.By practicing and modeling thesetechniques counselors can be<strong>com</strong>e evenmore effective advocates for a positive lifestyle.Item no. : YA08780280Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116767Price : USD 155.00BRAIN-BASED BASED THERAPYBy John ArdenRecent advances in the neuroscienceshave increased our knowledge of how andwhy people change. Brain-based therapysynthesizesneuroscience,evidence-based treatment, andattachment theory into a hybridtherapeutic model. Using this model,Arden demonstrates treatment strategiesfor an African American woman whopresents with anxiety. Viewers will developa new way of conceptualizing thetherapeutic process and move beyond thetraditional theoretical school approach.Item no. : WC08780281Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116729Price : USD 203.00BRAIN-BASED BASED THERAPYFOR ADOLESCENTSBy John ArdenRelying on research in developmentalneurobiology, neuroscience, temperament,and attachment studies as well asevidence-based psychotherapeuticpractices, Brain-based Therapy withAdolescents addresses the importance ofunderstanding how the brain develops andfunctions during the actual work of childand adolescent psychotherapy. It offerstips on helping children and adolescentsre-regulate such neurodynamicallymind-body relationship. Arden works witha teenage boy struggling with socialanxiety; he uses his knowledge of thebrain to skillfully help the teen understandhis emotions and the way the brain works.Item no. : WB08780282Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116736Price : USD 203.00NEUROBIOLOGY ANDNARRATIVE THERAPY:THERAPEUTIC PRACTICESFOR LASTING CHANGEBy Marie-Nathalie BoudoinHow can we make insightful conversations,moments of wisdom, and people'sexperiences of <strong>com</strong>petency stick in theirmemories and be<strong>com</strong>e usable in theireveryday lives? Using playful explanationsof brain structures, funny demonstrationsof their implications, and live interviewswith adults and children, this video offerscritical ideas on how to empower people tolive to their fullest potential while dealingwith the intricacies of their unique lives.Boudoin works with a female clientstruggling with anxiety over her workload.She also counsels a young AsianAmerican women dealing with strict familycultural expectations. Applicable to a widerange of issues, the unique ideas in thislively video will assist professionals inac<strong>com</strong>plishing the original goal of ourprofession: increasing well-being,optimism, and agency.Item no. : WB08780283Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116712Price : USD 203.00NEUROTHERAPY: A NEWTREATMENT FORPSYCHOLOGICAL ANDBEHAVIORAL PROBLEMSBy Theodore Chapin, Lori Russell-ChapinNeurofeedback is a therapeuticintervention that uses EEG biofeedbackand <strong>com</strong>puter technology. Thisnoninvasive intervention re-regulatesneuronal activity through operantconditioning. There are three main NFgoals: normalize brain functioning, restorebrain efficiency and optimize daily brainperformance.Neurofeedback has shown to be aneffective approach in working with avariety of disorders including anxiety,ADHD, migraines and more.In this video, Drs. Chapin andRussell-Chapin provide an overview ofneurofeedback — its definition and uses inthe treatment process. They then showimportant processes as sleep and the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk133

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